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"Hetty, how vulgar!" interposed Miss Day. "What has Polly's auction of her recherche' things to do with blankets and feather-beds? Now the cocoa is ready. Who will help me to carry the cups round?" "I had some fun to-day?" said Rosalind, when each of the girls, provided with their cups of cocoa, sat round and began to sip. "I took Miss Propriety to town with me." "Oh, did you, darling?

Leaving a partner to attend to the sales at home, he went abroad for the selection of goods, and the further enhancement of his social reputation. He returned in two years with a fashionable figure, a most recherché style of dress, moustachios of the most approved cut, and whiskers of faultless curl a finished gentleman in his own conceit.

Excepting a cup of coffee I had taken nothing the entire day, and so completely did my anxieties of different kinds subdue all appetite, that the most recherche viands of this well-known restaurant did not in the least tempt me. The champagne alone had any attraction for me; and, seduced by the icy coldness of the wine, I drank copiously.

They were very recherche, so it appears. Viardot-Garcia sang. The composer's face and frame were wasted by illness and Mr. Solomon spoke of his "long attenuated fingers." He made money and that was useful to him, for doctors' bills and living had taken up his savings. There was talk of his settling in London, but the climate, not to speak of the unmusical atmosphere, would have been fatal to him.

"In this state he gave them two Odalisques of surpassing beauty, but all whose blandishments and allurements proved ineffectual, for the two holy men came forth from the ordeal as pure as the diamond of Bejapore. "The Sultan still kept them in his palace, and, to celebrate their triumph, caused them to live upon a diet equally recherché, but consisting entirely of fish.

Upon one occasion we had invited a small and select number of friends to dine. It was to be rather a recherché affair for Nemo's Avenue, and my wife had spared no painstaking to suit herself with her table. We had had a comparatively quiet house the night before, so that our cook, who had been with us three days, consented to remain till our guests had been provided for.

Aussi ai je remarque que l'auteur de la Recherche de la Verite, M. Regis, M. Hartsoeker, et d'autres habiles hommes n'ont pas ete fort eloignes de ce sentiment." Leibnitz, Systeme Nouveau de la Nature, 1695.

The spectacle within the theatre on a fine night is brilliant, recherché and French. From side-scene to dome, and from gallery after gallery to the gay parquette, glitters the bright, shining audience. There are loungers, American and French, blasé and roué, who in the intervals drink brandy and whisky, or anisette, maraschino, curçoa or some other fiery French cordial.

The amorous element would not do for his hero, for whom he had other work; but while he left the physique to Pickwick he certainly transferred the character to one of his leading figures. That this is not fanciful will be seen. Mr. Chapman described Foster as "a fat old Beau": he was very popular, or, it may be, exceedingly well off. And at a place like Richmond he would be very recherche.

'Fool! returned the frail lady 'you cannot understand the fiery and insatiate cravings of my passions. I tell you that I consume with desire but not for enjoyment with such as you, but for delicious amours which are recherche and unique! Ah, I would give more for one hour with my superb African, than for a year's dalliance with one like you, so ordinary, so excessively common-place!