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And yet he loved her with all his heart, and to-day he had told her of his love. What should he do next? The complicated legal case received neither much ravelling nor unravelling from his brains that night; but before he left his chambers he wrote the following letter: Midnight, Saturday, All among my books and papers, 2, Bolt Court, Middle Temple.

"Six horses, a wagon an' old Fritz blown to hell an' not a splinter left to tell the story," one of them was saying. "I was there three minutes after the explosion and there wasn't even a ravelling or a horsehair left. This dynamite's a dam' funny thing. I wouldn't be a rock-hog for a million!" "I'd rather be a rock-hog than Joe drivin' down this hill a dozen times a day," replied the other.

See the slight mark where the canvas is the least bit drawn? And see, on the back a fresh stitch was necessary to keep the ends from ravelling. It would pass to a careless observer, but to one accustomed to these things the fraud is plainly evident." "Oh, Mr.

As the storm increased, however, all seemed to feel the want of companionship, and without any preconcerted plan, we found ourselves, about two hours after breakfast, again assembled in the room in which quiet, patient Mrs. Donaldson sat, ravelling the netting of the last evening. "Now for Aunt Nancy's portfolio," cried Annie, as soon as conversation began to flag.

Another, with lint bandages in her hand, begged her to come into a church hard by and assist in ravelling linen for the surgeons. Then she looked down, saw the girl's figure, and grew nervous. "You are not fit, my dear, go home," she urged, but Virginia shook her head and smiled. "I am looking for my husband," she answered in a cold voice and passed on.

'Twas worry, worry, worry, from morn till night, and from night till morn it was worry, worry, worry, till I scarce knew whether 'twould be better to murder my wife and hang for 't, or leave her alone and live with her. "Th' hussy!" quoth she "th' ungrateful hussy! a ought to be tossed in a blanket," quoth she, "and thou along with her, thou jack-pudding, thou ravelling!" quoth she.

Then it was of Persians; now it is of Turks; and curiously there are no soldiers to be seen, but only working men, while the flotilla is composed of carrying vessels; here boats laden with stone; there boats with lime; yonder boats piled high with timber. At length the sun, drawing the last ravelling of light after it, disappeared.

When they reached the pantry a truly harrowing spectacle met their eyes . . . a guilty looking small boy scrambling down from the table, with his clean print blouse liberally plastered with yellow filling, and on the table the shattered remnants of what had been two brave, becreamed lemon pies. Davy had finished ravelling out his herring net and had wound the twine into a ball.

A few ravelling threads of this our desultory tale have yet to be gathered up, as tidily as may be. Suffer, then, such mingling of my thoughts: the web I weave has many threads, woven with divers colours.

Not Ophelia in the brook could have seemed more at peace. "Like a creature native and indued Unto that element," tranquil Zuleika lay. Gently to and fro her tresses drifted on the water, or under the water went ever ravelling and unravelling. Nothing else of her stirred. What to her now the loves that she had inspired and played on? the lives lost for her? Little thought had she now of them.