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As she drew near the window, I flew to the fireplace, and rang the bell frantically, and seeing her still there, and fearing that she might break into the room, I flew out of the door, very much frightened, and met Branston the butler in the lobby. 'There's a woman at the window! I gasped; 'turn her away, please.

The woods and cliffs rang to the loud report, and Williams fell forward without a cry or groan, shot through the heart. The murderers rose and looked at each other, but uttered not a word, while Timoa recharged his gun. The report had, of course, been heard by every one in the settlement, but it was a familiar sound, and caused neither surprise nor alarm.

As the result of an affecting scene with his wife, Geoffrey's opposition to the Yoshiwara project collapsed. If everybody went to see the place, then it could not be such very Bad Form to do so. Asako rang up Reggie; and on the next afternoon the young diplomat called for the Barringtons in a motor-car, where Miss Yaé Smith was already installed. They drove through Tokyo.

He must have fallen once or twice, for he was covered with mud when he rang the alarm at the castle. In answer to Andrew's "Who's there?" he answered, "You'll have to send a harder rain than that if you want to put this fire out!"

Presently he came to the surface again, and was swimming towards the opposite shore. He kept his head and a small portion of his back next to it above the surface of the water, as the young hunters had seen in Sumatra before. "Full speed; give her a spurt, Wales," said the captain. The wheelman rang the speed-bell, and then spoke through the tube to the engineer.

I could not defer my pleasure, so I took a cabriolet and drove to the horse dealer's. Feverish and excited, I rang at the door. The person who opened it must have taken me for a madman, for I rushed at once to the stable. Medeah was standing at the rack, eating his hay.

The way things have been going with you, if we don't destroy it, it is likely to walk off into somebody else's pocket and cause more trouble." So we burned it, and then the telephone rang and said the taxi was there. "I'll get my coat and be ready in a jiffey," he said, "and maybe we can smuggle you into the house and no one the wiser. We'll try anyhow."

"I made up my mind that night to make a fortune for little Beatrice. First I sold my name and honor to get a half share and captaincy of a small tramp freighter. Then I went to the Solomon Islands. You know what I did there? Yes, the South Seas rang with it. It was brutal, but it brought me money. "I sent enough of that money to the States to keep the girl in luxury.

She had prepared everything but the words she should say to her son. Often as she had dreamed of it, she could never think of anything. The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, Anna got out of a hired sledge and rang at the front entrance of her former home. "Run and see what's wanted.

She is quite happy here, but she will be very glad to return to New York to those who have been so kind to her." "Really," thought Jack, "I don't know what to make of this Mrs. Hardwick. She talks fair enough, though looks are against her. Perhaps I have misjudged her." Jack and his guide paused in front of a large three-story brick building. The woman rang the bell.