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Updated: January 15, 2025

Craven opened the kitchen door with a cry that our dinners would be ready in a jiffey. We were done with the world for the day. Henceforth four walls contained us. Many books lay tumbled about, or had to be heaped on the floor whenever the half of the table was laid for a meal. I sat farthest from the fire, but facing it.

I'll wait till breakfast," said the skipper, turning to go up on deck by the companion-way and hitching his cap off the hook by his cabin door. "You won't be long, I hope, eh?" "I'll follow you up in a jiffey, sir, as soon as I have swallowed a toothful of this warm stuff to keep out the cold. Hi, steward?"

So saying, the American, not shooting again for fear of wounding Frank, was down on the main-deck in a jiffey and by the side of the brave young sailor who was tackling the mutineers so gallantly Mr Meldrum also joining in the struggle, first laying down the now nearly lifeless body of the captain again on the deck, however, and drawing off his coat to place it under his head so as to raise it up.

"Stan' still," said Peter, "or I hae a han'fu' o' twine i' my pooch 'at I'll jist cast a k-not aboot yer airms wi' in a jiffey." His lordship stood still, muttering curses. Then Malcolm stepped into the middle of the room, approaching his sister.

Come awa', an' I s' tak ye hame in a jiffey." So saying, she rose, took the candle, showed him down the stair, and followed. It was past midnight, and the moon was down, but the street-lamps were not yet extinguished, and they walked along without anything to interrupt their conversation chiefly about Sir Gibbie and Sir George.

"They're firing again!" said Ben; "we'll be up to them in a jiffey!" "What are we to do?" asked Jack dismally. "Hold on where you are," said Ben; "and if we upset stay quiet in the water till you're picked up." With which consoling piece of advice Jack and I subsided, and asked no more questions.

'He'd be up in town again in half a jiffey to see what sort of a place you'd got. Now, Ruby, I'll tell you what I'll do, if you'll say the word. I'll have him up here at once and you shan't go to Mrs Buggins'. Ruby dropped her hands and stood still, staring at Mrs Hurtle. 'I will. But if he comes you mustn't behave this time as you did before. 'But I'm to go to Mrs Buggins' to-morrow.

I might, you know, have put an end to all my hopes in a jiffey, if circumstances had not prevented my hurrying matters again to a crisis! It was very sad for me not to be able to see Min, and hear her congratulations; but still, that could not be at present; and, in the meantime, other folk took interest in me.

I carefully loaded Fred's rifle, and offered to assist Merriam, but he declined; and even when I told him that he had got a third more powder than was necessary, he did not heed my advice, and perhaps I was glad that he did not. "Now, thin," cried the doctor, "do you take hold of this tape line, my man, and we'll measure off twenty rods in a jiffey."

And You, Mem" this to Cousin Eugenie "the place for you's your bed. I'll kinnle a fire ben the hoose in a jiffey. And syne ye'll have breakfast ye'll hae a cup o' tea wi' me now, for the kettle's just on the boil. Awa' wi' ye. Dickson," and she stamped her foot.

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