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"Alas, Sir Knight," began the knave in a quavering voice, "both of them are dead." "What!" cried Hugh supporting himself against the wall, for at this terrible news his knees trembled beneath him, "have you or your patron Cattrina murdered them?" "Murdered them, Sir Knight! I do murder? I, a Christian and a man of peace! Never! And the noble lord of Cattrina, Count de Noyon!

People pressed about him; suggested carrying him off the field; asked if he thought it was broken; asked him how he felt now; asked him all manner of things, none of which Peter felt competent to answer. His only remark, delivered in a rather weak and quavering voice, was to the effect that he would walk directly, only he would like to stay where he was a little longer, please.

The scream was a thrilling, prolonged note of horror. For one electric second my blood seemed to chill in my veins. The cry swelled in a quavering crescendo, lingered with the persistence of terror, then abruptly ceased, like the cutting off of a shrieking steam-jet. For one awful moment everybody sat or stood as if petrified. If a bomb had exploded it might have passed unnoticed.

Unluckily, there was a blunder at the very outset: the musicians became flurried; Master Simon was in a fever; everything went on lamely and irregularly until they came to a chorus beginning, "Now let us sing with one accord," which seemed to be a signal for parting company: all became discord and confusion: each shifted for himself, and got to the end as well or, rather, as soon as he could, excepting one old chorister in a pair of horn spectacles bestriding and pinching a long sonorous nose, who happened to stand a little apart, and, being wrapped up in his own melody, kept on a quavering course, wriggling his head, ogling his book, and winding all up by a nasal solo of at least three bars' duration.

He seized the imp that hung on the door, and set it down summarily with a certain moral violence, unable to refrain from an admonitory shake, which startled its sudden scream into a quavering echo of alarm. "Do you want to break your neck, sir?" cried the wrathful uncle.

came Lady Ingleby's voice from below, rather faint and quavering. "That's right!" shouted Jim Airth. "Keep it up! I can see the ledge now, just above us. The bo's'n pipes the watch below, Yeo ho! lads! ho! Yeo ho! Yeo ho! Then here's a health afore we go, Yeo ho! lads! ho! Yeo ho! A long, long life to my sweet wife, And mates at sea Keep it up down there! I have one hand on the ledge

In the door of the cottage sat the grandmother knitting and nodding, with white hair shining under her snowy cap-border; and while the carpenter carved and whistled an old-fashioned ditty, "Meet me by moonlight alone," the girl in a quavering voice attempted to accompany him.

As he stepped into the old exhausted store-room, where the soldiers were herded together, squalid, heart-broken, ill, forlorn, Atta-Kulla-Kulla outside closing the door fast, a quavering cheer went up to greet Stuart. For one moment he stood silent while their eyes met a moment fraught with feeling too deep for words. Then his voice rang out and he spoke to the point.

My very heart rose when I saw the bull-dog fellows clambering up the breach with their pikes at the trail, and never quavering in their psalm-tune, though the bullets sung around them as thick as bees in the hiving time.

His voice was hoarse, quavering: "You won't refuse, Harlan? You can't refuse! Why, my little Barbara will be all alone, man! What a damned fool I've been not to look out for her!" Night had come, and Morgan could not see Harlan's face. But he was conscious of the firm grip of Harlan's hands, and he laughed lowly and thankfully. "You'll do it for Barbara won't you? Say you will, man!