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Updated: August 9, 2024

"I hope the wind will continue to blow," said Jim Hart, gazing admiringly at Henry, "'cause ef it don't we'll then hev to git our oars an' row. An' it would spoil the purtiest picture uv a lazy feller I ever saw. Why, I never saw Shif'less Sol hisself look lazier or happier." Henry laughed. He knew that Jim Hart would have died in his defense. "I am lazy, Jim," he admitted.

It was some soaked, but I reckoned it could still be read. I clumb out and she was jest splitting herself laughing at me. The wet on her face where she had cried wasn't dried up yet, and she was laughing right through it, kind o' like the sun does to one of these here May rainstorms sometimes, and she was the purtiest girl I ever seen. Gosh! how I was getting to like that girl!

She had one of the purtiest gooseberry eyes in Europe; and only for the squint in the other, it would have been the ornament of her comely face entirely; but as it was, no human bein' was ever able to decide between them.

"Now ain’t they th’ purtiest things?" he inquired of the stable at large. "’Bout th’ best stock we’ve had here since th’ last time Don Cazar brought in a couple o’ hissen. Where’ll I put your plunder, mister?" He was already loosing Croaker’s pack. "You be stayin’ over to th’ Jacks?" Drew glanced up at the haymow from which Callie had just descended.

Sign-paintin's a soft snap when it comes to bill-stickin'. Now, I guess I've stuck more bills onto New York State than ennybody. "'Have you? I said, angrily. "'Yes, siree! I always pick out the purtiest spots kinder filled chuck full of woods and brooks and things; then I h'ist my paste-pot onto a rock, and I slather that rock with gum, and whoop she goes! "'Whoop what goes? "'The bill.

The purtiest little creatur' goin'; or, if not so purty, so good-natured an' lovin'. Why, she's all the sunlight we gets in the Lane, Glory is, an', havin' her, some on us don't 'pear to need no more. Makes all on us do her say-so but always fer our own betterment.

"If one of them wanted a wife, it was nothing but find out the purtiest and the richest farmer's daughter in the neighborhood, and next march into her father's house, at the dead hour of night, tie and gag every mortal in it, and off with her to some friend's place in another part of the country. Then what could be done?

The poor cuss 'adn't been such a bad lot up to that time. Him and Mary had always got on fairly well until he got to drinking. It wasn't long afore the Colonel took a notion to Tom's wife. He 'as a wife of 'is own, but that didn't stop 'im. He just went plumb crazy about Mary Braddock, who was the purtiest, loveliest woman he'd ever seen or any of us, for that matter.

Now, Blink, talk sense," remonstrated Pan. "You mean you saw a thousand?" "Wal, shore a million is stretchin' it some," acknowledged the cowboy. "But ten thousand wouldn't be nothin'. We tracked some of our hosses twenty miles an' more over heah, farther'n we'd been yet. An' climbed a high ridge we looked down into the purtiest valley I ever seen. Twice as big as Hot Springs Valley.

"But I passed him comin' out an' I lit in to him." "Fist and skull?" said I. "Jaw," said he. "I damned every Carper into fiddlestrings from old Adam to old Columbus." "What did he say?" "He said we was the purtiest bunch of idiots in the kingdom of cowtails." The autumn in the Hills is but the afternoon of summer. The hour of the new guest is not yet.

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