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When the Town Watch heard this they were vexed, for they knew that if this were true they would now be forced to prosecute the arduous undertaking, and they said: "Bring in this old man!" Cethru was brought before them trembling. "What is this we hear, old man, about your lanthorn and the rat? And in the first place, what were you doing in the Vita Publica at that time of night?"

Stephenson was consulted as to the name of the coach, and he at once suggestedThe Experiment;” and by this name it was called. The Company’s arms were afterwards painted on her side, with the mottoPericulum privatum utilitas publica.” Such was the sole passenger-carrying stock of the Stockton and Darlington Company in the year 1825.

What is to be the form of government in the future? hear some of my younger readers reply: "Why, how can you ask such a question? "You are a republican." "A republican! Yes; but that word specifies nothing. Res publica; that is, the public thing. Now, whoever is interested in public affairs no matter under what form of government may call himself a republican. Even kings are republicans."

A little advocate in snuff-coloured clothes rose on little legs, and commenced to read: "Forasmuch as on the seventeenth night of August fifteen hundred years since the Messiah's death, one Celestine, a maiden of this city, fell into a cesspool in the Vita Publica, and while being quietly drowned, was espied of the burgess Pardonix by the light of a lanthorn held by the old man Cethru; and, forasmuch as, plunging in, the said Pardonix rescued her, not without grave risk of life and the ruin, of his clothes, and to-day lies ill of fever; and forasmuch as the old man Cethru was the cause of these misfortunes to the burgess Pardonix, by reason of his wandering lanthorn's showing the drowning maiden, the Watch do hereby indict, accuse, and otherwise place charge upon this Cethru of 'Vagabondage without serious occupation.

The prisoners taken in the battle between 3000 and 4000 in number, including the generals Damasippus, Carrinas, and the severely-wounded Pontius were by Sulla's orders on the third day after the battle brought to the Villa Publica in the Campus Martius and there massacred to the last man, so that the clatter of arms and the groans of the dying were distinctly heard in the neighbouring temple of Bellona, where Sulla was just holding a meeting of the senate.

No quiero tampoco suponer que muchos hombres no quieren el sufragio de la mujer porque temen que pueden resultar vencidos en una discusión pública y el prestigio del sexo quedaría mal parado. En segundo lugar, si lo que quiere la mujer es encontrar siempre en el hombre aquella especie de adoración que se tributa a un ídolo, ella puede estar segura de ello con sufragio o sin sufragio.

Just as we say: convene by their delegates, or representatives. Publice==publica auctoritate, cf. same word, 10. Primordia. Initiatory rites. Minor, sc. numine. Inferior to the god. Prae se ferens. Expressing in his external appearance, or bearing in his own person an acknowledgment of the power of the divinity. Evolvuntur==se evolvunt, cf.

A cross of four equal arms appears upon a coin bearing the legend Pax Publica. A coin issued during the reign of Constantine the Great in the name of his son Constantine, has upon its reverse a cross of four equal arms, the extremities of which are rounded. On an otherwise similar coin the compound tau cross appears. Upon a coin bearing the inscription Constantinus Max.

When the Town Watch heard this they were vexed, for they knew that if this were true they would now be forced to prosecute the arduous undertaking, and they said: "Bring in this old man!" Cethru was brought before them trembling. "What is this we hear, old man, about your lanthorn and the rat? And in the first place, what were you doing in the Vita Publica at that time of night?"

He was the founder of an artistic society for the education of young artists and the encouragement of their seniors. He was the principal director of a board of "publica beneficenza." He was the manager, and what we should call the trustee for the property of more than one nunnery. He was intimate with the Cardinal Legate, and a frequent and honoured guest at the palace.