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By the night of the 9th all preparations were completed for storming the fortress. Theodore had posted his army, consisting of 3000 soldiers armed with percussion guns, a host of spearmen, and several pieces of ordnance, on the flat-topped hill of Fala. Here he had come to conquer, as he thought it possible, with his cherished guns, or to die should he meet with defeat.

The British commander, Sir Charles Napier, speedily proved to the enemy that the spirit of the British army had not failed since the days of Plassey. With a force of only 3000 men, he attacked and completely defeated two armies much superior in numbers . The result of these two victories Meanee and Dubba was the annexation of Scinde to the British dominions.

I had a letter from Cadell stating that 3000 Tales of a Grandfather must go to press, bringing a return to me of £240, the price being £80 per thousand. This is snug enough, and will prettily cover my London journey, and I really think ought in fairness to silence my prudential remorse.

Alder, Maple, and Nuttall's Flowering Dogwood make beautiful bowers over swift, cool streams at an elevation of from 3000 to 5000 feet, mixed more or less with willows and cottonwood; and above these in lake basins the aspen forms fine ornamental groves, and lets its light shine gloriously in the autumn months.

Gordon had only about 3000 men, chiefly Chinese; and, notwithstanding the fact that when he took over the force it had just been demoralised by defeat, he soon proved himself more than a match for the rebel hordes. From one victory to another he led his men on, and cities fell in quick succession before him. His name ere long began to have the weight of an army in the mind of the rebels.

Admiral Peary: Have you any idea as to how many airplanes there are along that western front on the German side? Adjt. Prince: There must be about 3000 on that line in actual commission. Admiral Peary: That means, then, about 10,000 in all, at least? Adjt. Prince: I should think so; I should say the French have about 2000 and the English possibly 1000, or we have about 2500. Adjt.

In some of the Azores, as well as in the Canary islands, the volcanic fires are not yet extinct, as the recorded eruptions of Lanzerote, Teneriffe, Palma, St. Michael's, and others, attest. Mr. Geikie has shown that the volcanic rocks in Mull are above 3000 feet in thickness.

As the apartment grew warm, two of the pages went about with long staves and broke all the windows until not a single pane of glass remained. The festival was estimated by the thrifty chronicler of Antwerp to have cost from 3000 to 4000 crowns. It was, he says, "an earthly paradise of which soon not a vapour remained."

St. The old Grammar School, which stood at the foot of the steps from St. Agnes-gate to the Minster, has been pulled down since 1872. Meanwhile the Minster itself had been undergoing restoration in 1829 and the following years at the hands of Blore, when upwards of £3000 were spent, and from 1862 to 1870 at the hands of Sir G. Gilbert Scott, and at a cost of about £30,000.

The largest of these stands on the S.W. wall. Mr. W.H. Maw has detected some of these objects on the N. side, both in connection with the border and beyond it. FLAMMARION. A large incomplete walled-plain N.E. of Herschel, open towards the N., with a border rising about 3000 feet above the floor. The brilliant crater, Mosting A, stands just outside the wall on the E.

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