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"Mr. Francis," suggested Owen, in his timid and conciliatory manner, "cannot have forgotten, that by an arret of the King of France, dated 1st May 1700, it was provided that the porteur, within ten days after due, must make demand" "Mr. Francis," said my father, interrupting him, "will, I dare say, recollect for the moment anything you are so kind as hint to him.

Their porteur leaped over the counter from behind and made signs for a key. All Audrey's trunks in turn joined Miss Ingate's; none was missing. And finally an official, small and fierce, responded to the invocations of the porteur and established himself at the counter in front of them. He put his hand on Miss Ingate's trunk. "Op-en," he said in English.

To M. d'Entragues the King wrote as follows: "M. d'Entragues, je vous envoye ce porteur pour me rapporter la promesse que je vous baillay a Malesherbes je vous prys ne faillir de me la renvoyer et si vous voulez me la rapporter vous mesme je vous diray les raisons qui m'y poussent qui sont domestiques et non d'estat par lesquelles vous direz que jay raison et reconnaitrez que vous avez été trompé, et que jay un naturel plutost trop bon que autrement, massurant que vous obeyrez

Jorrocks for his signature, who, observing the words "Signature du Porteur" at the bottom, passed it on to the porter of the inn, until put right by the Consul, who, on receiving his fee, bowed him out with great politeness.

Tuesday, 26. Rode from Langnan to Lucerne just in time to take the boat for Weggis. From the door of the Hotel de la Concorde, at Weggis, the guide chef fitted us out with two chaises a porteur, six carriers, two mules with grooms, making a party of fourteen in all. After ascending a while the scenery became singularly wild and beautiful.

The act was a deliberate exploitation of widowhood. The official fiercely shrugged his shoulders and threw up his arms, and told the porteur to open the small trunk. "I told you they would," said Miss Ingate negligently.

No," she said aloud, "you are quite out; it is the chorus from the 'Porteur d'Eau' listen," and she hummed the air. "Where are you going?" "For some fresh water to finish my drawing." "You are always busy and I never. Where is Nicolas?" "Asleep, I think." "Go and wake him, Sonia. Tell him to come and sing." Sonia went, and Natacha relapsed into dreaming and wondering how it had all happened.

She was extremely pessimistic; she knew she could do nothing with Miss Ingate; and the thought of the vast, flaring, rumbling city beyond the station intimidated her. The porteur, who had gone away to collect their neglected small baggage, now returned, and nudged her, pointing to the official who had resumed his place behind the trunks.

The paper was a French assignat, bearing the words, 'Payez au porteur la somme de deux mille livres. Yes; the sum so carelessly thrown on the table by this youth was an order for eighty pounds, issued by the French Government. "Remember the period, gentlemen, when this occurred.

Celui-ci étoit porteur d'un ordre du soudan. Une galère et deux galiotes du prince de Tarente avoient pris devant Tripoli de Syrie une griperie [Footnote: Griperie, grip, sorte de bâtiment pour aller en course, vaisseau corsaire.] de Maures: le soudan, par représailles, envoyoit saisir