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Take a turn through New York to-day and you'll find the tattered remnants of these things dangling on every bush and fluttering in every breeze; the men to whom I lent money, the women to whom I made love, the friends I trusted, the follies I invented, the poisonous fumes of pleasure amid which nothing was worth a thought but the manhood they stifled!

If they did tell her, and Frank happened not to arrive, it might unnerve her so as to make her appearance in the evening doubtful. Richard, the wiseacre, the inexhaustible Richard, was caring for his cottagers and cutting the leaves of new books his chiefest pleasure at Greyhope.

The one lady is an Englishwoman; the other I believe an Italian." "And der Herr?" "An American." "Ah! A still greater pleasure, sir. I trust that you will carry back across the Atlantic a good report of a spot all but unknown, I fear, to your compatriots. You will meet one, I think, on the return of the ladies." "A compatriot?" "Yes.

It is therefore not very difficult to get on some little way into all at once; but I must not be disappointed if I find that other occupations take me away too much for my own pleasure from this particular branch of my work. A long letter to Sir John T. Coleridge gives another aspect of the voyage: "Sea Breeze" Schooner: off Rennell Island.

Lady Scott was better yesterday, certainly better, and was sound asleep when I looked in this morning. Walked in the afternoon. I looked at a hooded crow building in the thicket with great pleasure. It is a shorter date than my neighbour Torwoodlee thought of, when he told me, as I was bragging a little of my plantations, that it would be long ere crows built in them. April 26.

"Oh, how could you think of doing such a thing," hastily exclaimed her companion, horrified at the thought, "we should all be placed in a dungeon and our pleasure ended."

The third grandchild was overjoyed with his new plaything. Ella Sanderson was delighted with her great grandchild's pleasure. The interviewer received a warm and friendly "Good-bye". Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Mary Scott DeValls Bluff or Biscoe Age: "I said if ever I seed you agin I'd show you dis here scar on my head. Dock Hardy hired me.

Carlotta shrank nearer to me. "I beg your pardon, Monsieur, but may I have the pleasure of a few words with you about this young lady?" said he in the urbanest manner and the most execrable French. "I hardly see the necessity," said I. "Pardon me, but this young lady is a Turkish subject and my daughter.

I hope it will be long before they cease to find profit in the pleasure they give. The other night as I sat before the curtain of the Garden Theatre and waited for it to rise upon the Hamlet of Mme. Bernhardt, a thrill of the rich expectation which cannot fail to precede the rise of any curtain upon any Hamlet passed through my eager frame.

You thought to deceive me, but you have deceived yourselves, for I bring you the best help that ever knight or city had; for it is God's help, not sent for love of me, but by God's pleasure. At the prayer of St. Louis and St. Charlemagne He has had pity on Orleans, and will not suffer the enemy to have both the Duke of Orleans and his city.