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A sentence from the man on his left had done a good deal to hearten him. "Gostrewth! 'ark at our guns!" he said. "They ain't 'arf pitchin' it in.

The young fellow called John spoke up sharply and said, it was "rum" to hear me "pitchin' into fellers" for "goin' it in the slang line," when I used all the flash words myself just when I pleased. I replied with my usual forbearance. Certainly, to give up the algebraic symbol, because A or B is often a cover for ideal nihility, would be unwise. I am omniverbivorous by nature and training.

It seems now such a confusin' jumble of men, women and childer, all screamin' an' rushin' for the stairs, and all the time the wind was a howlin' an' the vessel was groanin' an' pitchin' so you had to cling to whatever was nearest to keep on your feet at all.

I knew you'd be down on me like a thousand of brick. I I Oh, you don't know what I've been through, Thankful, or you'd pity me, 'stead of pitchin' into me like this. I've been a reg'lar tramp that's what I've been, a tramp. Freezin' and starvin' and workin' in bar-rooms!

"I'm goin' home, grandpap," she said quietly, "an' if it wasn't for grandma I wouldn't come back. You've been bullyin' an' rough- ridin' over men-folks and women-folks all your life, but you can't do it no more with ME. An' you're not goin' to meddle in MY business any more. You know I'm a good girl why didn't you go after the folks who've been talkin' instead o' pitchin' into Gray?

"He was amoosin' himself by pitchin' into me," replied Dick. "What for?" "He didn't like it 'cause I patronized a different tailor from him." "Well, it seems to me you are dressed pretty smart for a boot-black," said the policeman. "I wish I wasn't a boot-black," said Dick. "Never mind, my lad. It's an honest business," said the policeman, who was a sensible man and a worthy citizen.

But, mates, he wasn't to be caught, though we tried him all ways, even to pitchin' the bait right down atop of his ugly snout. Mind you, he was ready enough to swaller as much pork as ever we chose to give him, so long as there wasn't no hook in it; but if there was a hook buried in it he wouldn't so much as look at it.

Most always " "Then it warn't you I saw pitchin' in the channel fur a couple of hours yesterday afternoon," commented the tormentor. "No. That is let me think a minute," meditated Zenas Henry. "Yes, I guess it was me, after all," he admitted with reluctant honesty.

"See here, youngster," said Texas Bill, in his longest and most indifferent drawl, "I 've been ridin' horses more years than you 've been born, an' I 've tamed more pitchin' horses than you ever saw any other kind, an' I ain't a little bit afraid of a pitchin' horse. I 'm a whole, big, blazin' lot afraid!" "What if you are?" retorted Kid. "I don't have to be a coward 'cause you 're one!"

"A black with white face. I'll take him." "Shore you know a hoss. To my eye he's my pick. But the boys don't agree. Bill 'specially has degenerated into a fancier of pitchin' hosses. Ann can ride that black. You try him this mawnin'.... An', son, enjoy yourself." True to his first impression, Jean named the black horse Whiteface and fell in love with him before ever he swung a leg over him.