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Some on 'em'll be r'arin' an' pitchin', an' some tryin' to run; but they'll be enough of 'em down an' a-draggin' all the time, to keep the enthusiastic ones kind o' suppressed, and give me the castin' vote. It's the only right way to git the bulge on mules. Whenever you get to worrying about our various companies, think of the Mule Jones system and be calm."

"Oh!" sais I, "we won't say no more about that; I only meant it as a joke, and nothin' more. But railly now, Abednego, what is the state of our legation?" "'I don't see nothin' ridikilous, sais he, 'in that are expression, of Hope pitchin' her tent on a hill. It's figurativ' and poetic, but it's within the line that divides taste from bombast. Hope pitchin' her tent on a hill!

"Say, now, Tode, tell us w'at's up," whispered one, sidling up to him. "Hev ye swiped somethin'?" Tode tried to put on an expression of injured innocence, but his face flushed as he answered, shortly, "Come, hush yer noise, will ye! Can't a chap lay off fer one day 'thout all the town pitchin' inter him?

Atwixt spring and fall work is 'BLOWIN' TIME. Then Courts come on, and Grand Jury business, and Militia trainin', and Race trainin', and what not; and a fine spell of ridin' about and doin' nothin', a real 'BLOWIN TIME. Then comes harvest, and that is proper hard work: mowin' and pitchin' hay, and reapin' and bindin' grain, and potato diggin'. That's as hard as sole leather, afore it's hammered on the lap stone; it's a'most next to anything.

"'Oh, says he 'right of sarch! right of sarch! I've been tryin' to sarch my memory, but can't find it. I don't recollect that sarmont about Hope pitchin' her tent on the hill. When was it? "'It was afore the juvenile-united-democratic-republican association to Funnel Hall, sais I. "'Oh, says he, 'that was an oration it was an oration that.

Arthur was very near knocking him down, and pitchin' him outawinder, and serve him right; but Chevalier Strong, sir, came up and stopped the shindy I beg pardon, the holtercation, sir them French cooks has as much pride and hinsolence as if they was real gentlemen." "I heard something of that quarrel," said the Major; "but Mirobolant was not turned off for that?"

Throwin' a thousand-pound longhorn with a six hundred-pound cayouse is tellin' on all involved an' a gent who's pitchin' his rope industrious will wear down five broncos by sundown. "It's a sharp winter an' cattle dies that fast they simply defies the best efforts of ravens an' coyotes to get away with the supply. It's been blowin' a blizzard of snow for weeks.

They'd been pitchin' into one another and knockin' one another's heads off, besides smashin' furnichy and chimbly crockery, but hadn't stole a thing. The fat one and the long one them two with white chokers was lyin' on the floor pootty much used up. There was another that got up-stairs and jumped out a winder.

"Not much," says I. "Well, I hope not," says Mitch. "He's a sissy spoiled by his ma. And you don't call this any fun, do you, pitchin' ball with a ball so good that you dassn't let it roll on the ground?

The cage begun t' sway sideways and then it let go o' the shore an' spun 'round once er twice an' sailed out 'n the deep water. There was a light breeze blowin' offshore an' purty soon it was pitchin' like a ship in the sea. But the two squirrels was very tired an' never woke up 'til sunrise. They got a terrible scare when they see the water 'round 'em an' felt the motion o' the ship.