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Meanwhile, Dick had gradually wormed his right arm clear of its bonds, and was ready to risk all. "And so," said Pirret, "y' are one of these?" "I was made so," replied Dick, "against my will; but an I could but get a sack or two of gold coin to my share, I should be a fool indeed to continue dwelling in a filthy cave, and standing shot and buffet like a soldier. Here be we four; good!

"I would look gladly on a pottle of strong ale, good Master Pirret," returned Arblaster. "How say ye, Tom? But then the wallet is empty." "I will pay," said the other "I will pay. I would fain see this matter out; I do believe, upon my conscience, there is gold in it." "Nay, if ye get again to drinking, all is lost!" cried Tom.

Let us, then, go forth into the forest to-morrow ere the sun be up. Could we come honestly by a donkey, it were better; but an we cannot, we have our four strong backs, and I warrant me we shall come home staggering." Pirret licked his lips. "And this magic," he said "this password, whereby the cave is opened how call ye it, friend?"

The table at which they sat, like all the others in the alehouse, consisted of a heavy, square board, set on a pair of barrels; and each of the four curiously-assorted cronies sat at one side of the square, Pirret facing Arblaster, and Dick opposite to the common sailor. "And now, young man," said Pirret, "to your tale.

"Gossip Arblaster, ye suffer your fellow to have too much liberty," returned Master Pirret. "Would ye be led by a hired man? Fy, fy!" "Peace, fellow!" said Arblaster, addressing Tom. "Will ye put your oar in? Truly a fine pass, when the crew is to correct the skipper!" "Well, then, go your way," said Tom; "I wash my hands of you." "Set him, then, upon his feet," said Master Pirret.

Not only did this enable Dick to walk; but the whole network of his bonds being proportionately loosened, he felt the arm behind his back begin to move more freely, and could hope, with time and trouble, to entirely disengage it. So much he owed already to the owlish silliness and greed of Master Pirret.

Then whipping forth his arm, he made but one snatch of the ring, and at the same instant, levering up the table, he sent it bodily over upon the seaman Tom. He, poor soul, went down bawling under the ruins; and before Arblaster understood that anything was wrong, or Pirret could collect his dazzled wits, Dick had run to the door and escaped into the moonlit night.

"I know a privy place where we may drink and discourse." "If I am to walk, my friends, ye must set my feet at liberty," said Dick, when he had been once more planted upright like a post. "He saith true," laughed Pirret. "Truly, he could not walk accoutred as he is. Give it a slit out with your knife and slit it, gossip."

It was now quite deserted; the fire was a pile of red embers, radiating the most ardent heat; and when they had chosen their places, and the landlord had set before them a measure of mulled ale, both Pirret and Arblaster stretched forth their legs and squared their elbows like men bent upon a pleasant hour.

"Nay, but this is white magic," said Dick. "It doth naught with the devil; only the powers of numbers, herbs, and planets." "Ay, ay," said Pirret; "'tis but white magic, gossip. There is no sin therein, I do assure you. But proceed, good youth. This spell in what should it consist?" "Nay, that I will incontinently show you," answered Dick. "Have ye there the ring ye took from my finger? Good!