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"It's pink, close enough to red. We'll wave that." Injun grunted again and looked doubtful. "Me get 'im back?" he asked. Injun didn't care any less for that shirt than he did for his pinto or his rifle and he cared more for it than for his interest in the gold mine. "Sure, you'll get it back," said Whitey, and without a word Injun took off the shirt and handed it to Whitey.

I've been amongst them " His wife silenced him with a look. "It frequently happens that cases are brought to my notice," Pinto went on, "and I have one or two cases of women in my mind where these purchases of mine would be most welcome. For example," he said, "I heard the other day, quite by accident, of a poor woman in Wales whose husband deserted her." Mr.

Then we all bunched in together and drifted off toward the corral, where old Pinto was standin', lookin' hopeless and thoughtful. 'Is this the patient? says the Doc, sort of sighin'. "'It are, says Tom Redmond. "Doc he walks up to old Pinto, and has a look at him, frontways, sideways, and all around.

The Calle Rivera dwindled into a dusty, white, winding road, straggling, flower-choked gardens replaced the city blocks and gave way in turn to haciendas whose flat fertile acres teemed with the luscious harvest. The pinto covered the ground at an easy lope which ate up the miles, and Thode sat his high Mexican saddle, as easy as a rocking-chair, scanning each turn of the road for landmarks.

He had half a mind to investigate, when there came another sound a lumbering foot in the passage. Suddenly the door was opened, the lights were flashed on, and the man behind the settee hugged the floor and held his breath. "How much do I want?" Pinto laughed and lit a cigarette. "My dear Mr. Crotin, I really don't know what you mean." "Let's have no more foolery," said the Yorkshireman roughly.

Stafford King did not move until the sound of Pinto's footsteps had died away. Then he began a systematic search, for he too was anxious to end the mystery of Jack o' Judgment. He had followed Pinto when he dashed from the room and had heard the Portuguese calling upon Jack o' Judgment to surrender. That mysterious individual, who was obviously lying low, could not be very far away.

We feel that, if we could run this sort of thing on a co-operative basis, we could manufacture the stuff cheaply, always providing, of course, that we could purchase a mill at a reasonable figure." For the first time he looked at Crotin, and the man's face was ghastly white. "What a queer idea!" said Lady Sybil. "A good mill will cost you a lot of money." "We don't think so," said Pinto.

Next minute after that Pinto is up in the grandstand among the ladies, and there he sits down in the lap of the Governor's wife, which was among them present.

He spoke seldom and slowly, was not as ready-witted as his partner, Hi Kendal, but in act he was swift and sure, and "in trouble" he could be counted on. He was, as they said, "a white man; white to the back," which was understood to sum up the true cattle man's virtues. "Hello, Bill," said a friend, "where's Hi? Hain't seen him around!" "Well, don't jest know. He was going to bring up my pinto."

He was walking like a cat, when suddenly he parted the peons around him, like grain before a mad bull and behold! he was on the pinto's back and away. And, alas! there is no horse that can keep up with the pinto. God grant he may not get in the way of the r-r-railroad, that, in his very madness, he will even despise." "My own horse is in the thicket," whispered Guest, hurriedly, in Maruja's ear.