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And now do you go, Buttons, and clean out that pig-pen in the long-boat; it has not been cleaned out since last voyage. And bear a hand about it, d'ye hear; there's them pigs there waiting to be put in; come, be off about it, now." Was this then the beginning of my sea-career? set to cleaning out a pig-pen, the very first thing?

I said to myself, "Now I have a pig of my own, it will soon grow up to be a hog, and we'll have pork." When I got home I put it in a barrel, covered it up so it could not get out and then took my ax, cut poles, and made it a new pen and put it on one place in Adam's world where pig and pig-pen had never been before. Now, thought I, I've got an ax, a pig and a gun.

It is the plain truth, entirely unvarnished: not a mite of varnish will there be on it. A little over two years ago Josiah Allen, my companion, had a opportunity to buy a wood-lot cheap. It wus about a mild and a half from here, and one side of the lot run along by the side of the railroad. A Irishman had owned it previous and prior to this time, and had built a little shanty on it, and a pig-pen.

I spoil your pig-pen, but your pig-pen spoil my suit and your sow scare me oud of TWO years' growth." "Now, don't get funny. Fork over fifty dollars or you go to the constable." Old Schmidt's face was a study. Finally, however, he produced a fat wallet, and peeling off two twenty-dollar bills and a ten, he handed them over with a sigh.

Some one must have dropped a match in the straw of the pig-pen to start the blaze, it was said. "Well, we'll nail a few boards back on the pen, and it will do to keep the pigs in until morning," said Mr. Blakeson, the farmer. "That is if we can get 'em collected again." "My dogs will help," said Mr. Brown. "Here, Dix! Splash!" he called. "Drive the pigs up here!"

"Oh, I ain't agoin' to go, if that's what you're drivin' at," she answered, as she swiftly assembled the soiled utensils of the cuisine. "I'll tidy up this here pig-pen if it takes a week, and you kin hop up and come down easy." "I wouldn't have you go for nothing," drawled Jim, squirming with abnormal impatience to be up and doing. "Angel's visits are comin' fewer and fewer in a box every day."

Suddenly, without looking up, he dropped into the pig-pen the remark: "I'm very much obliged to you for writing me, Meg." "I don't know whether to feel more like a virtuous sister or a villanous aunt," sighed Mrs.

A fault may bring a man very close to us. Have we, too, not sought safety in pig-pens! The people who taunt other people with having taken temporary refuge in a pig-pen are usually those who live in pig-pens the whole year 'round. The one time in the life of Savonarola when he comes nearest to us is when his tortured flesh wrenched from his spirit a recantation.

Cuffy knew that he must be very, very careful not to meet them. To his great relief, when he had gone down into Pleasant Valley Cuffy saw all three ploughing in a field. They did not see him at all. And so he felt very brave as he went on toward the farm buildings. Farmer Green's pig-pen was in a little, low building next the cow-barn. Cuffy had no trouble in finding it.

"Thank you a thousand times, if I can, just as well as not," said the grateful negro. "We had to tear down the shed and pig-pen when we moved the house, and I ha'n't had time to set 'em up again." "And I imagine you have had enough to do, for one day. Let your children drive the creatures through the gate yonder; my man will show them the shed. Are you a good gardener, Mr. Williams?"