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The post of honour and the post of shame, the general's station and the drummer's, a peer's statue in Westminster Abbey and a seaman's hammock in the bosom of the deep, the mitre and the workhouse, the woolsack and the gallows, the throne and the guillotine the travellers to all are on the great high road, but it has wonderful divergencies, and only Time shall show us whither each traveller is bound.

And so the Muse of Sancerre had simply come back to family and married life; but certain evil tongues declared that she had been compelled to come back, for that the little peer's wishes would no doubt be fulfilled he hoped for a little girl. Gatien and Monsieur Gravier lavished every care, every servile attention on the handsome Countess.

"If she cared about being married, I suppose she could be a peer's wife to-morrow." "But I don't think she cares about being a peer's wife. A needy peer might perhaps win her in the way that I propose to you; but then a needy peer would not know how to set about it. Needy peers have tried half a dozen I have no doubt and have failed, because they have pretended that they were in love with her.

"So be it," said the two sponsors. The King-at-Arms rose, took the sword from the stand, and buckled it round Gwynplaine's waist. "Ce faict," says the old Norman charter, "le pair prend son espée, et monte aux hauts siéges, et assiste a l'audience." Gwynplaine heard a voice behind him which said, "I array your lordship in a peer's robe."

The following is the postscript to that noble peer's letter: I recollect that one Wednesday the First Consul, while presiding at a Council of Ministers at St. Cloud, opened a note, and, without informing us what it contained, hastily left the Board, apparently much agitated. In a few minutes he returned and told us that your functions had ceased.

So I packed up, and on the next morning, with my two cousins, left the tower of Bath Abbey behind and started en route for Bannington Hall, the Mid Norfolk mansion of Lord St. Nivel. The Vanboroughs were relatives of my mother's; she was one of that noble family, and the present peer's aunt.

The latter knew what this meant. He took off a kerchief and bound Peer's eyes, while we saw him whisper something to him and receive a whispered answer. Then a man came forward to bind Peer's hands behind his back, but he begged to be left free, and his prayer was granted. Then Jakobsen took him by the hand and led him forward.

It was a kind of a deadly work of art, maybe, but it was a starchy picture for show; for it was life size, full length, and represented the American earl in a peer's scarlet robe, with the three ermine bars indicative of an earl's rank, and on the gray head an earl's coronet, tilted just a wee bit to one side in a most gallus and winsome way.

Yet, in every sense of the word, they are bearing an equal portion of the fight, because, when it comes down to human life, the life of the farm labourer's son is of the same intrinsic value as the life of the peer's." Lord Maltenby moved a little in his chair. There was a slight frown upon his aristocratic forehead.

"My Lord, when we sat the other night round Riccabocca's hearth, when I heard her speak, and observed you listen, I said to myself, from such knowledge of human nature as comes, we know not how, to us poets, I said, 'Harley L'Estrange has looked long and wistfully on the heavens, and he now hears the murmur of the wings that can waft him towards them. And then I sighed, for I thought how the world rules us all in spite of ourselves, and I said, 'What pity for both, that the exile's daughter is not the worldly equal of the peer's son! And you too sighed, as I thus thought; and I fancied that, while you listened to the music of the wing, you felt the iron of the chain.