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Where, except perhaps in absurd novels, did you ever meet with these paragons of mistresses, who were so magnanimous and so generous as to sacrifice their own reputations, and then be satisfied to share the only possible good remaining to them in life, the heart of their lover, with a rival more estimable, more amiable than themselves, and who has the advantage of being a wife?

In the hands of Powell, Cibber, and Oldfield this scene must have had all the sparkle of champagne; but let us hope, speaking of wine, that the prince of paragons, Morelove, was perfectly sober. "I own," writes Sir John, "the first night this thing was acted, some indecencies had like to have happened; but it was not my fault.

He praised the wine so, that Harry almost believed that it was good, and winked into his own glass, trying to see some of the merits which his uncle perceived in the ruby nectar. Just as we see in many a well-regulated family of this present century, the Warringtons had their two paragons.

Resist the Devil, good reader, and he will flee from you!" So ends our indignant friend. How the Hohenzollerns got their big Territories, and came to what they are in the world, will be seen. Probably they were not, any of them, paragons of virtue.

This does not mean that the stories must be about paragons of virtue; the villains of fiction and history have their value in teaching life and character, and we need not fear that they will contaminate the minds of the young, for in most children the instincts may be relied upon to reject the allurement of the base character.

We shall be helpful in our effort to give him the proper sympathy if we remember the handicaps under which he has labored. He was satisfied with his old fossilized religion, which had taught him to believe that despotism is a virtue. He did not, therefore, come to America for liberty. The early settlers were the veriest adventurers of whom the gold lust made paragons of cruelty and crime.

What mattered it that her paragons of servants left her one after another and swore they couldn't stay in a house where there was so much spying and fault-finding? There was no shaking Mrs. Whaling's Christian determination to run with patience the race thus set before her. Gleason found in converse with her so much that reminded him of the mother he had lost, alas! so many years ago, and Mrs.

“Thinkest thou to find better knights than theseindicating his followers with a wave of his hand. Herbrand seemed somewhat reluctant to uphold his tacit objection to Dietrich’s claim. “Ayhe said at length, “there are such warriors to be found“And where may we seek such paragonsinquired the king, none too well pleased.

A young poet, especially, is likely to err in the direction of paragons of beauty, or fame, or romance. Perhaps he dreams of a great singer, or an illustrious beauty, ignorant of the natural law which makes great singers and illustrious beauties, in common with all artists, incapable of loving really any one but themselves. Or perhaps it will be some woman of great and exquisite culture.

Are they in the kitchen?" "No, they are in the library." "In the lib Ah! le malin!" "They were never seen in the drawing-room, and never will be." "Yet surely they must have lived in nature before they were embalmed in print," said Lucy, interrogating the ceiling again. "The nearest approach you will meet to these paragons is Reginald Talboys," said Fountain, stoutly.