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Some of the rivers on this side produce gold, but not in such abundance as on the other side; and there are hardly any Spanish settlements on this side, except along the rivers leading to Lavelia and Nata, which are the only places I know of between Panama and Pueblo nova.

On June 29, 1906, Congress provided that a lock type of canal be constructed across the Isthmus of Panama, of the general type proposed by the minority of the Board of Consulting Engineers, and work has continued along these lines.

"Pray, how?" "What time did Matt Peasley leave this office after the battle yesterday?" "I should say in the neighborhood of half after three." "Hum! Ahem! Harump-h-h! The banks close at three, and they do not reopen for business until ten this morning. It is now exactly a quarter of nine. Has Matt Peasley had time to procure a certified check since he arrived from Panama or has he not?"

But as it turned out I had no need of his services, for I had concealed the sword so cleverly by burying each end of it in one of my long cavalry boots, that the official failed to find it. I had locked my trunk again and was waving final farewells to those on the Panama, when the young man from the consulate began suddenly to race down the pier, shouting as he came.

A knock sounded, and almost immediately a very black, very bullet-headed young negro thrust his head in at the door. "Sam," said Sherwood deliberately, "some day I'm going to kill you!" "Yes, sah! yes, sah!" agreed Sam heartily. "Well, what the devil do you want?" "Th' Panama done been, signalled; yes, sah!" said the negro, but without following his head through the door.

She told how up in his tower he made you see the commerce of this whole mighty world of peace converging slowly on this port. She told of the night two years before when he had come home "all shaken and queer" and had said to her huskily, "Eleanore, child, at last it's sure. There's to be a Panama Canal."

The claim growing out of the seizure of the American-owned newspaper "The Panama Star and Herald" by the authorities of Colombia has been settled, after a controversy of several years, by an agreement assessing at $30,000 the indemnity to be paid by the Colombian Government, in three installments of $10,000 each.

Underlying the planning for Operation Just Cause in Panama and Desert Shield/Storm in Kuwait was the premeditated incorporation of a series of rapid, simultaneous attacks designed to apply decisive force.

In 1680 we find him in Darien, where he pillages Santa Maria, endeavours in vain to surprise Panama, and with his companions, on board of some wretched canoes stolen from the Indians, captures eight vessels well armed, which were at anchor not far from the town. In this affair the losses of the corsairs are so great in the fight, and the spoil is so poor, that they separate from each other.

We had planned to go to Panama, and had our passage engaged; but when we broke the news to Tufik he turned quite pale. "You go away?" he said wistfully. "Only for a month," Tish hastened to apologize. "You see, we we are all very tired, and the Panama Canal " "Canal? I know not a canal." "It is for ships " "You go there in a ship?" "Yes. A canal is a " "You go far in a ship and I I stay here?"