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"'Ere's a swell toff to chawf a lidy! 'Owever," reflectively, "I'ave 'eard 'e could 'it 'ard!" "But that," said the gentleman, indicating the tankard, "could hit harder." "My hyes; wot's the name of yer missionary friend, ragbags?" to Joe. "The gentleman's a lawyer, and when I tell you his name is " John Steele reached over and stopped the speaker; the woman laughed.

'Owever did you know we were 'ere?" "You wicked fellow! Get away, will you! I 'ate the very sight of you!" this from Tilly, as Purdy, his hands on her hips, gave her a smacking kiss. The other girls feared a like greeting; there were more squeaks and squeals, and some ineffectual dives for the doorway. Purdy spread out his arms. "Hi, look out, stop 'em, Dick! Now then, man, here's your chance!"

Her hard-worked hands went out, entreating for him; her dowdy little figure seemed to grow tall, so impressive was the earnestness of her appeal. "Him and you are toffs, and me and Keyse are common folks.... Flesh and blood's the syme, though, only covered wiv different skins. An' Human Nature's Human Nature, 'owever you fake 'er up an' christen 'er!

The cook came down just then and we 'ad to leave off talking, and I could see that Bill was so pleased at finding that the money 'adn't been thrown overboard that 'e was losing sight o' the difficulty o' getting at it. In a day or two, 'owever, 'e see it as plain as me and Jimmy did, and, as time went by, he got desprit, and frightened us both by 'anging about aft every chance 'e got.

There 'adn't been the time for anyone to get away, let alone a hold chap, and I made sure he warn't crouching down by the well, nor nothink. Next thing I hear master cry out somethink 'orrible, and hall I see was him hanging out by the rope, and, as master says, 'owever I got him up I couldn't tell you. 'You hear that, Gregory? said Mr Somerton.

I've never saw such a raw, roun'-shouldered batch o' rookies in fifteen years' service. Yer pasty-faced an' yer thin-chested. Gawd 'elp 'Is Majesty if it ever lays with you to save 'im! 'Owever, we're 'ere to do wot we can with wot we got. Now, then, upon the command, 'Form Fours, I wanna see the even numbers tyke a pace to the rear with the left foot, an' one to the right with the right foot.

At the end of that time, 'owever, owing to our being short-'anded, Jimmy was sent for'ard to work as ordinary seaman, and it began to be quite noticeable the way 'e avoided Bill. At last one day we got 'im alone down the fo'c'sle, and Bill put 'is arm round 'im and got im on the locker and asked 'im straight out where the money was. "Why, I chucked it overboard," he says. "I told you so afore.

But I see now there was a lot in what you said, and when I come to think of it, there was no need to make such a terrible lot of extra hay, 'owever much the sun might be shinin'. When you put it like that, I couldn't say why I was so set on more money, 'aving quite enough.

'You had, my friend. I will relieve you. Come, jump out, and don't keep your young lady waiting. The voice was of calm authority which most people understand and obey. And Wych Hazel laughed. 'I'm sure I can't say what Mr. Falkirk will think, sir! said Gotham, in a displeased voice. 'Owever I will h'assume it's h'all right, sir.

"Please, ma'am, Miss Pritty told me to be sure to offer you a cup of tea." "Did she, indeed? That's was wery kind of her, wery kind, though 'ow she come for to know I was a-goin' to call beats my comprehension. 'Owever, tell her I'm greatly obleeged to her, but 'avin 'ad tea just afore comin' out, an' bein' chock-full as I can 'old, I'd rather not. Best thanks, all the same."