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But I was nearer than 'im, an' a deal faster though I don't mean to boast " "An' a deal frighteneder," suggested Junkie. "P'raps, 'owever I got to the 'oss first. I didn't take time to mount, but went leap-frog over 'is tail slap into the saddle, which gave the hold 'oss such a skeer that 'e bolted!

"For," mused Briggs gravely, "a lady 'as responsibilities, and 'owever she forgets 'erself, appearances 'as to be kep' up." With the afternoon, the fog which had hung over the city all day, deepened and darkened. Thelma had lunched with Mrs. Lorimer, and had enjoyed much pleasant chat with that kindly, cheerful old lady.

For them London mists agin the sky in the Spring, an' for the moonlight, an' for the sky just before a thunderstorm all them things seemed to 'ave come out of the same box, like, an' I didn't like feelin' as 'ow they was all jest charity.... 'Owever, I got this idee about Elbert, an' I didn't sleep a wink thet night, an' couldn't enjoy me starlight.

"'Owever, as I was sayin'," he continued at last, "that there Alf Cobb used to fair aggryvate me with 'is grousin'. When 'e got sent up for a spell in the trenches, and 'ad all 'the fun of the fightin', 'e groused because 'e couldn't go off to some ole estaminet an' order 'is glass o' bitters like a dook.

'If I'd a known that, the man rejoined, 'you shouldn't a had him under twice the money. 'Owever, he added, as the children disappeared, 'I ain't done so bad, seeing as I only give five bob for the beast. But then there's the bites to take into account! The children trembling in agitation and excitement, carried home the Psammead, trembling in its paper-bag.

"It looks as though it might ha' been cut out o' the Police News." "'Owever could you ha' trusted a man with a face like that, Charlie?" ses old Cook. "Come away from 'im, Bill; I don't like such a chap in the room." Jack Bates began to feel very awk'ard. They was all glaring at 'im as though they could eat 'im, and he wasn't used to such treatment.