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But I come to town just to look around an' have a bit of fun an' I got in with a bad lot, an' they pract'cally compelled me to assist 'em in this here kidnappin. Oh, I didn't do nothin', jest helped to carry him Oh, ma'am, it ain't that bad. He's still livin' an' he'll be awwright if you just he'p me to get him away 'thout their knowin'. Yes ma'am. I'm honest. I'm offerin' to help you.

Dale reached into the stage and hauled out baskets and bags. These he set down on the ground. "Turn around, Bill, an' go along with you. John an' Hal will follow presently," ordered Dale. "Wal, gurls," said Bill, looking down upon them, "I was shore powerful glad to meet you-all. An' I'm ashamed of my country offerin' two sich purty gurls insults an' low-down tricks.

He had grinned widely when, just before the outfit had departed, he had heard Rogers whisper to Harlan: "You've made yourself solid with the bunch, for sure, by offerin' 'em a bigger divvy. They've been grumblin' about it for a long time. They're all sore at Haydon an' Deveny for bein' greedy. But you're sure cookin' up a heap of trouble with Haydon an' Deveny!"

Or they pull out a log to make an opening, closing it up quick, so the spirit won't find his way back." Kaviak continued to lament. "Sorry we can't offer you some blubber, Kaviak." "'Tain't that he's missin'; he's got an inexhaustible store of his own. His mistake is offerin' it to us." "I know what's the matter with that little shaver," said the Boy.

'tis nothin' to be obliged for," interrupted Triggs, thinking it was Reuben's modesty made him hesitate. "We'm a hand short, so anywise there's a berth empty; and as for the vittals, they allays cooks a sight more than us can get the rids of. So I'm only offerin' 'ee what us can't ate ourselves."

If you do, I'm offerin' you a good many thousand dollars for the risk." "God bless my soul! where'd I put you? There ain't a bunk." "I've slept by the week on the ice." "There ain't room to lie down." "Then we'll stand up." Lord, Lord! what could you do with such a man? Owner of Idaho Bar, too. "Mechanics of erosion," "Concentrates," "a third interest" it all rang in his head.

Here I'd started out with the best intentions in the world, with my mind all made up not to be led into temptation or turned from a set purpose, an' what was the first result? I had simply given my entire stock in trade away to a worthless loafer, an' had seen him sell it for fifty dollars after he had made all manner of fun of me for offerin' one fourth of all he made over ten.

Will quickly had his fire going, and he served not only trout, but bear steaks and hot coffee to the Little Giant, who ate with a tremendous appetite. "I've got provisions of my own in my packs," he said, "but sometimes the other feller's feed tastes a heap better than your own, an' this that you're offerin' me is, I take it, the cream o' the mountains, young William.

"Oh!" sez Josiah, in his surprise and relief not offerin' to bow or shake hands or nothin'. "Dear Samantha, I've hearn on her." And he turned and linked his hand in my other arm so for a minute we looked like three twins perambulatin' along. In the meantime I introduced Blandina, who looked bewildered and disappointed. But Dr. Mary Walker remembered a engagement, and to my relief took leave on us.

One of us has got to git married for the benefit of the other two." Captain Eri shouted hilariously. "Good boy, Perez!" he cried. "Goin' to be the first offerin'?" "Not unless it's my luck, Eri. We'll all three match for it, same as we do 'bout washin' the dishes." "Where are you goin' to find a wife?" asked Captain Jerry. "Now that's jest what I'm goin' to show you.