United States or Syria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In the mean time, the giant having emptied the pitcher, and devoured above half the ox, turned to the woman and said, "Beautiful princess, why do you oblige me by your obstinacy to treat you with severity? It is in your own power to be happy. You need only resolve to love, and be true to me, and I shall treat you with more mildness."

"Go on, Comtesse," said Antony. "I like to hear it all." "They really believed in noblesse oblige. Neither of them would have stooped from their position oh, not a little inch." "It is a thing we have quite forgotten in England. It was inconvenient, and most of us are not rich enough to indulge in it." "But must one be rich to behave as of one's race?" I asked, astonished.

"Nao ha, sinto que nao posso lhe ser bom"; or, "Nao ha, men coracao we have none; I am sorry I cannot oblige you"; or, "There is none, my heart." Sept. 3rd to 7th. At half-past eight a.m. we arrived at Baiao, which is built on a very high bank, and contains about 400 inhabitants.

Jim was always ready to oblige, and I did my best to win over my enemies by trying to show that I did not mind how they treated me, and I soon succeeded. We were, I should have said, bound out to Bergen, on the coast of Norway, for a cargo of hides, tallow, salt fish, and spars, which we were to carry to London.

"Not if you go out with a machine comme ca," touching the Count's gorgeous watch-chain. He knows, at least, how to handle his knife and fork, which is more than can be said of all the inmates of this hostelry. A town-dweller, evidently; he tells me he detests wild life of every kind and has come here only to oblige his friends; he calls the Arabs "ignoble savages."

"You are liable to become the prey of any adventurer with a plausible manner, who has learned to talk glibly about the things which he doesn't understand. I'll get out here, if I may," he added, "and take a short cut across the Park to my club. Mary, if you want to oblige me, for Heaven's sake don't run this fellow! He gets on my nerves. I hate the sight of him."

Browne, you will oblige me by singing a song before the company arrives, that I may judge how far your style and mine will agree;" for I began to have some horrible misgivings on the subject. "If you will step upstairs, I will accompany you on the piano. I had no opportunity of hearing you sing last night." "No, no," said he, with a conceited laugh; "I mean to astonish you by and by.

"She'll turn up to oblige Emma," he ses; "but there's no need for you to overdo it, Charlie. If her young man 'appened to get to 'ear of it it might cause trouble." "I ain't afraid of 'im," ses Charlie, "not if your description of 'im is right." "Emma knows 'im," ses Ted, "and I know she don't think much of 'im. She says he ain't as big as I am."

After this I purchased a negro man, for no other reason than to oblige him, and gave him sixty pounds. But in a short time after he run away from me, and I thereby lost all that I gave for him, except twenty pounds which he paid me previous to his absconding. The rest of my money I laid out in land, in addition to a farm which I owned before, and a dwelling house thereon.

At these words Savitri said, "I had heard that thy emissaries come to take away mortals, O worshipful one! Why then, O lord, hast thou come in person?" "Markandeya continued, 'Thus addressed by her, the illustrious lord of Pitris, with a view to oblige her, began to unfold to her truly all about his intentions.