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"Oh, it's just a way we've got," returned Flaggan, resuming his gravity; "the English have a knack o' larfin', off and on, w'en they shouldn't ought to. Git along with your yarn." "Well, that wos the finish. I became a Breetish tar, an' fouted in all the battils of the navy. I 'spected to get promotion an' prize-money, but nivir git none, 'cause of circumstances as wos never 'splained to me.

Sure, nivir a wan of me saw any that could stand wid her for goodness, barrin' the angel that kissed me good-bye with one foot in the stirrup an' the troopers behind me, now twelve years gone, in ould Donegal, and that I'll niver see again, she lyin' where the hate of the world will vex the heart of her no more, and the masses gone up for her soul.

"Throth I nivir bragged out o' myself yit, and it's what I say, that a man that's only fishin' aff the land all his life has no business to compare in the regard o' thracthericks wid a man that has sailed to Fingal." This silenced any further argument on Barny's part.

You shall wash for the quarther-master-sergeant, whin he plases to give you the job out av charity; but a privit's wife you shall be to the end, an' evry sorrow of a privit's wife you shall know and nivir a joy but wan, that shall go from you like the running tide from a rock.

Teddy Flynn used to say to me, says he: 'Niver born to know distress! Happy as worms in a garden av cucumbers. Seventeen years in this country, Mary, says he, 'an' nivir in the pinitintiary yet. There y'are. Ah, the birds do be singin' to-day! 'Tis good!

"Nivir a word truer by song or by book, and stand by the text, say I. For Papist I am, and Papist are you; and the imps from below in y'r fingers whip poker is the game; and outlaws as they call us both you for what it doesn't concern me, and I for a wild night in ould Donegal but Pagan, wurra! whin shall it be, Pierre?" "When shall it to be?" "True for you.

Did you say it any better than I?" "Well, I nivir heard tell of anybody called that way before. It's a quare she-he soundin' sort of name," said Peter. "Faix, then, there may be plinty quarer in it, we niver heard tell of, if that was all," said Felix. "Anyhow, it's his name, and his people's afore him.

I came for change, for variety, for amusement, for relaxation, for sport. Do you understand any of these expressions?" "Me not onderstan' moch," answered Mafuta with great simplicity of manner; "bot why you want for change? Me nivir wants no change?" "Ah, Mafuta," replied Tom with a smile, "you're a happy man?

Tom Liffey, the lumpish guide and trapper, saw him go in; and, days afterwards, he said to Pierre: "Divils me own, but this is a bad hour for Heldon's wife she with a face like a princess and eyes like the fear o' God. Nivir a wan did I see like her, since I came out of Erin with a clatter of hoofs behoind me and a squall on the sea before.

"Have ye come till any good times yit?" "Oh, Mrs. Foye," says Glory, "I think I'm tied up tight in the bag, an' I'll never get out, except it's into the hot water!" "An' havint ye nivir a pair iv schissors in yer pocket?" asks Bridget. "I don't know," says poor Glory, hopelessly.