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They aye luik as gin they war hearin' 't. For the first time I loot the gloamin come doon upo' me i' this same leebrary, a' at ance I heard the sma' nicher o' a woman's lauch frae somewhaur in or oot o' the warl'. I grew as het's hell, and was oot at the door in a cat-loup. And as sure's death I'll hear't again, gin I bide ae minute langer. Come oot wi' ye."

The Novel, for him, is a department of Satire; "the most entertaining and universally improving." To Smollett, "Roderick Random" seemed an "improving" work! Ou le didacticisme va t'il se nicher? Romance, he declares, "arose in ignorance, vanity, and superstition," and declined into "the ludicrous and unnatural."

Sham liberty, sham monarchy, sham glory, sham justice, ou diable donc la verite va-t-elle se nicher? We shall be able to go about our everyday business again, and not be hustled by the gendarmes or the crowd.

'I am spending two days in town, he said, 'to be present at your sister's fete, and I have chosen that day.... Decide, Vera Vassilievna, whether I am to love or not." "Ou le sentiment va-t-il se nicher?" exclaimed Paulina Karpovna. "Even in that clod." "'Ivan Ivanovich! pleaded Vera," continued Raisky.

"Schiller, you are a regular Schiller! O la vertu va-t-elle se nicher? But you know I shall tell you these things on purpose, for the pleasure of hearing your outcries!" "I dare say. I can see I am ridiculous myself," muttered Raskolnikov angrily. Svidrigailov laughed heartily; finally he called Philip, paid his bill, and began getting up. "I say, but I am drunk, assez cause," he said.

Sur le coteau, la-bas ou sont les tombes, Un beau palmier, comme un panache vert, Dresse sa tete, ou le soir les colombes Viennent nicher et se mettre a couvert, Mais le matin elles quittent les branches; Comme un collier qui s'egrene, on les voit S'eparpiller dans Fair bleu, toutes blanches, Et se poser plus loin sur quelque toil.

"Whisht, man, whisht, man," said the king; "ye needna nicher that gait, like a cusser at a caup o' corn, e'en though it was a pleasing jest, and our ain framing. And yet to see Jingling Geordie, that bauds himself so much the wiser than other folk to see him, ha! ha! ha! in the vein of Euclio apud Plautum, distressing himself to recover what was lying at his elbow