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"What said our patron and these great folks together?" said Jonas Schwanker to his companion, the SPRUCH-SPRECHER, who had used the freedom to press nigh to his master when the Council was dismissed, while the jester waited at a more respectful distance. "Servant of Folly," said the SPRUCH-SPRECHER, "moderate thy curiosity; it beseems not that I should tell to thee the counsels of our master."

The allusion to the illustrious badge of Plantagenet was thus rendered sufficiently manifest, and Jonas Schwanker observed that they who humbled themselves had been exalted with a vengeance. "Honour unto whom honour is due," answered the Marquis of Montserrat.

"My master, my dear master!" said Jonas Schwanker, throwing his arms about the Duke, "take heed lions have teeth " "And eagles have claws," said the Duke, not relinquishing his hold on the banner-staff, yet hesitating to pull it from the ground. The speaker of sentences, notwithstanding such was his occupation, had nevertheless some intervals of sound sense.

The man of proverbs was so delighted with Philip's politic speech that he clashed his baton at the conclusion, by way of emphasis, and forgot the presence in which he was, so far as to say aloud that he himself had never said a wiser thing in his life. "It may be so," whispered Jonas Schwanker, "but we shall be whipped if you speak so loud."

"That is a drawn cast, and counts for nothing in the game," said the jester; "it was most wise to think thus, but great folly to tell it to others proceed." "Ha, hem!" said the SPRUCH-SPRECHER; "he next said to them that Richard was not more valorous than others, or over-dexterous in the tilt-yard." "Woodcock of my side," said Schwanker, "this was egregious folly. What next?"

Lest too much of this officer's wisdom should become tiresome, the Duke's other shoulder was occupied by his HOFF-NARR, or court-jester, called Jonas Schwanker, who made almost as much noise with his fool's cap, bells, and bauble, as did the orator, or man of talk, with his jingling baton.