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We neveh sole an acre, but we neveh hel' one back in a spirit o' lan' speculation, you understan'?" "Sir? I yes, sir." "The plan wa'n't adapted to a slave State. I see that now. I don't say slavery was wrong, but slave an' free labor couldn't thrive side by side. But, now, son, you know, all labor's free an' the time's come faw a change.

The despot of Paradise, despot now only by courtesy of the triumphant genius of modernity, put on his eye-glasses and stared Thomas into respectful rigidity. "Why, bless my soul! if it isn't Captain Gordon's boy! Well, well, you young limb! If you didn't faveh youh good fatheh in eve'y line and lineament of youh face, I should neveh have known you you've grown so. Shake hands, suh!"

"Yo' don't reckon they git a idy them funichas an' home-fixin's ain't been paid foh in th' fust place?" I took the packet from his hands and glanced over it. "No, these seem to be all right, Clem only freight is charged for. But you must remember Virginia is a long way off." "Yes, seh it ain't neveh raghtly come upon me befoh." "And freights are high, of course?"

O, sare shall neveh a veed be in sat karten two dayss oldt! An' sose roses sey shall be pairfect ever' vun!" As perfect as roses every one were her words kept. And Fontenette got his new business but could not come back that year, nor the second, nor the third.

"John, do you know what Charlie Champion's been doin'? He's been tryin' to get up a sort o' syndicate to buy Rosemont and make you its pres O now, now, ca'm yo'self, he's give it up; we all wish it, but you know, John, how ow young men always ah; dead broke, you know. An' besides, anyhow, Garnet may ruin Rosemont, but, as Jeff-Jack says, he'll neveh sell it. It's his tail-holt.

Rasba snapped, and then a smile broke across his countenance. He cried out with laughter, and admitted: "Hit's seo, Prebol! I neveh set up with a gal befo' I come down the riveh. Lawse! I plumb forgot." "I don't wonder," Prebol replied, gravely. "She'd make any man forget. She sung me to sleep, an' I slept like I neveh slept befo'."

It passed. "But, why, Cornelius, should it suit Major Garnet for my lands to lie idle?" "Mr. Mahch, has you neveh inspec' the absence o' green in my eye?

I neveh knowed any man, not a blood relation would think so much of me, as to come way down yeah to tell me my mammy, my good ole mammy, wanted me to be safe " "An' good, Jock!" Rasba cried. "An' good, suh," the young man added, obediently. "I'd better go over and see our sick man," Buck turned to Slip. "A sick man?" Rasba asked. "Where mout he be?"

"Yes, but pigs is pigs, you know," I answered, laughing. I was about to walk on, but once more Cookie intervened. "Dey's pigs and pigs, chile live ones and dead ones. "Dead ones? Of course haven't we been eating them?" "Yo' won't neveh eat dis yere kind o' dead pig, Miss Jinny. It's it's a ha'nt!" The murder was out. Cookie leaned against a cocoa-palm and wiped his ebon brow.

"'Deed ah don' know, boss," "Oh, come! Don't know where you were born?" "Fo' Gawd, boss, ah's tellin' yo de truff. Ah don know, 'cause ah born to sea." "Well, what country are you a subject of?" "Truly ah cahn't say, boss." "Well what nationality was your father?" "Ah neveh see him, sah." "Well then where the devil did you first land after you were born?" "'Deed ah cahn't say, boss.