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For Rhodes see Strabo 654 = XIV. ii. 9: E. Meyer, Gesch. des Alt. iv. pp. 60, 199 rejects the tale. For plans of the Piraeus see Wachsmuth, Stadt Athen im Alterthum, ii. 134, and Curtius and Kaupert, Karten von Attika , plan IIa by Milchhöfer. Ges. der Wissenschaften, 1878, xxx.

O, sare shall neveh a veed be in sat karten two dayss oldt! An' sose roses sey shall be pairfect ever' vun!" As perfect as roses every one were her words kept. And Fontenette got his new business but could not come back that year, nor the second, nor the third.

Although not the best in point of merit, the most generally attractive of these are the packs produced in the years 1806-7-8 and 9, by the Tübingen bookseller, Cotta, and which were published in book form, as the "Karten Almanack," and also as ordinary packs.

In 1603 there was published a Bible History and Chronology, under the title of the "Geistliche Karten Spiel," where, much as Murner did in the instance we have given above, the cards were used as an aid to memory, the author giving to each of the suit signs the distinctive appellation of some character or incident in Holy Writ.

The details of the exploration appear more distinctly upon the charts which the royal cosmographers at Seville prepared, with the names given to the prominent points of the coast. Kohl in Die beiden altesten general karten von Amerika.