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The rest of the 'field' followed, the fall of the ground enabling them to see 'how thick Jawleyford was with my lord. Old Blossomnose, who, we should observe, had slipped away unperceived on Jawleyford's arrival, took a bird's-eye view from the rear. Naughty Blossom was riding the horse that ought to have gone in the 'chay' to Jawleyford Court.

Safe as if 'twas in the Bank safer, I reckon," she added, with an unfriendly glance at Mr Pamphlett. "What money is this you're talking about?" asked that gentleman, stepping forward. He used that tone now: which was sheer blundering folly: and he met his match. "The money you were huntin' for," answered 'Beida, quick as thought. "You mustn't speak to me like that. It's naughty and er unbecoming."

"My poor little Audrey," he said, "and you have been unhappy since you came here? I am so sorry that I have not been able to make you happy, but it isn't too late yet to try again, is it?" I was so surprised that I couldn't speak. I just sat still, holding Tom close in my arms, and the tears dropping faster and faster. "I thought you thought I was so naughty, Uncle Geoff," I said at last. "Mrs.

"I suppose I am always naughty, Sister Perpetua says so; but I am not in penance." "Who gave you permission to come into our chapel? You know it is contrary to the rules. Did you ask Mother?" "I knew she would say no, so I did not ask, because I was determined to come." "Why? what is the matter? you have been crying." "Oh, Sister Angela! don't you see?"

He wondered if all the naughty boys interviewed by the rector had been treated to the same fare, and he began to think an invitation to Sunday tea at the rectory highly desirable. 'And now, said Mr. Upton, towards the end of the meal, 'I want some more talk with you. Your father was a brave soldier; he died in saving the colours. You want to grow up like him, do you not?

But is it not better that, instead of a lazy, conceited, whey-faced slip of gentility, to whom, in your old-world idea of the matter, I was bound to stand Sir Pedagogue, and see that he washed his hands and face, said his prayers, learned his acddens, spoke no naughty words, brushed his hat, and wore his best doublet only on Sunday, that, instead of such a Jacky Goodchild, I should have something like this?"

Now, when Bubbles called him "dearest" it did not thrill him at all, for he knew she said it to a great many people and yet it always gave him pleasure to hear her utter the dear, intimate little word to him. "Get up and go to bed, you naughty girl!" he said good-humouredly, but there was a great deal of tenderness in his low, level tone. She rose quickly to her feet.

"How very happy us would have been to-day if it hadn't been for the bowl being brokened," said Duke. "No, it began before that," said Pamela. "It was the not telling Grandmamma. I fink that was the real naughty, bruvver. I don't fink Grandmamma would have minded so much us giving the bread and milk to Toby." "Her wouldn't have given us any treat," objected Duke.

"Yes, Nursy, and we had a beautiful time playing hide-and-seek under the bedclothes." The nurse stared hard at Edith, and then shook her head. "You're a naughty girl, and I'll give the rabbit to Carlo. See if I don't?"

Sally gave a little shriek of delight, and looked in triumph at Dan. That little creature, who seemed scarce old enough to receive a joke, much less to make one, looked first at Charlie and winked with his left eye, then at Thursday and winked with his right one. "You're winkin' again, sir," cried Sally, sharply. "Yis, mum, but with bof eyes this time, vich isn't naughty, you know."