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He's a contractor somewhere around yer, and wants to be near his work. So he takes the room next to the Frenchman, that that ship-captain quit for the mines, and succeeds naterally to his chest and things. He's mighty peart-looking, that young feller, Rosey long black mustaches, all his own color, Rosey and he's a regular high-stepper, you bet. I reckon he's not only been a gentleman, but ez now.

"You're dead right," murmured the disciple; "but look at here: when I call on Miss Birdie, she sez, 'Mister Jasperson, or, mebbe, 'Mister Jasper, please be seated, an' let me take your hat. Naterally, boys, I take the chair she p'ints out, an' then, dog-gone it! she takes another." "Do you expect this young lady to sit down in your lap, sir?

Jest naterally they're pizen to me, but I never rightly figured out why I allers threw them in the discard. Now I know. There's a heap of satisfaction in that. It's like findin' that a man you sure disagreed with in an argyment is a thunderin' sight more useful to the community dead than he was alive. It don't alter your feelin's none, but it helps out strong on the ensooin' explanations."

Sir, As an inhabitant of Polpier, born in the town and anxious for its good name, besides being a ratepayer and one that pays taxes to His Majesty, I was naterally concerned to-day at your not taking your place along with the other men that went off to fight for their country.

Sez Josiah, "Job didn't do that; his wife wanted him to, and he refused; men hain't profane naterally." "Josiah Allen," sez I, "the language you have used over that Jonesville road in muddy times has been enough to chill the blood in my veins. Tell me that men hain't profane!" "Not naterally, I said; biles and country roads is enough to make Job and me swear."

'Did she no like yer treat? 'I'll warrant she did! 'What did ye buy her wi' the twa bob? Willie sniffed at his recollections. 'Like a goat, said he, 'I askit her what she wud like best for twa bob, me thinkin' naterally she wud say a feed to stairt wi'. I was ready for a feed masel'. But she squeezed ma airm an' shoved her big face intil mines, an' said she wud like a sooveneer best.

But that mistake of yours naterally brings it to me that I haven't what you might say introdooced myself. Which my baptismal handle is more interestin' than useful, an' I lays it by. So I'll just hand you the title under which I usually trots, bein' 'Bob-Cat Bob, ridin' for the Double Bar J."

"Anything ketchin' about it?" Silas asked, cunningly. "No, indeed!" said the Doctor, "catching? no, what put that into your head, Mr. Peckham?" "Well, Doctor," the conscientious Principal answered, "I naterally feel a graat responsibility, a very graaat responsibility, for the noomerous and lovely young ladies committed to my charge.

Slick, abounds in superior mill privileges, and one would naterally calculate that such a sight of water power, would have led to a knowledge of machinery.

Sez Josiah, "What if Cousin Zebedee Allen couldn't wear whiskers? Why," sez he, "his whiskers are his main beauty, and naterally Zeb is more particular about his looks than if he wuz married. Such laws are wicked and arbitrary. Why, when I courted my first wife, Samantha, my whiskers and my dressy looks wuz what won the day. And I d'no," sez he inquiringly, "but they won your heart."