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Noo ye declare ye 'll be as countermacious as ever, an' a 'm expeckin' the Lord 'll come doon here an' tak the ither leg, an' gin that disna dae, a' that remains is tae stairt on yir airms; and, man Peter, ye 'll be a bonnie-like sicht before a' 's dune."

If Oi've got your loine in my sthore Oi'll boy a bill; if I haven't, Oi'll boy a bill innyway and stairt a new depairtmint. Good noight, give me yer hand, sor. "Not only did Larry give me a good order, but he went to two more merchants in the town and made them buy from me. He bought every dollar's worth of his goods in my line from me as long as he lived."

'Did she no like yer treat? 'I'll warrant she did! 'What did ye buy her wi' the twa bob? Willie sniffed at his recollections. 'Like a goat, said he, 'I askit her what she wud like best for twa bob, me thinkin' naterally she wud say a feed to stairt wi'. I was ready for a feed masel'. But she squeezed ma airm an' shoved her big face intil mines, an' said she wud like a sooveneer best.

Did thim divils suppose I was goin' to stairt a Museim, that I'd be dalin' in such expinsive curiassities!" The banker's clerk said there was not a dry eye in the house. "There was a fellow traveling around in that country," said Mr. Nickerson, "with a moral-religious show a sort of scriptural panorama and he hired a wooden-headed old slab to play the piano for him.

Weel, I thought the back o' it was the place for me, and I was follying the dyke, quiet and saircumspect, when a man jumped ower and took the heather. He had a stairt, but the brae was steep, and I was thinking it would no' be long before I had a grup o' him when the polis cam' ower the dyke behind.