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"Come on, an' I'll show you," he said. "I'll show you why I'm workin' for wages when I might a-ben a millionaire if my folks hadn't been mutts. That's what we old Americans are, Mutts, with a capital M." He led them inside the gate, to the fruit tree that had first attracted Saxon's attention. From the main crotch diverged the four main branches of the tree.

He stepped gingerly across the threshold. " Come on in, you fellows. We're all mutts together." He was followed in by the boy with his hat, by Bud Strothers and another teamster she knew, and by two strangers. The latter were big, hard-featured, sheepish-faced men, who stared at Saxon as if afraid of her. "It's all right, Saxon," Billy began, but was interrupted by Bud.

"Now, what the " began Williams, when he was answered there was a crash, the sight of rocks and sand flying, and a thunderous reverberation. "The mutts have blown up the track!" burst from the engineer, furiously. "They would," replied Scott, sourly. "Want to cut us off from Conejo till they've made their getaway! Probably cut the wires, too. Go and see, Miller.

"I always know," the boy repeated slowly, and then, as though communing with himself, "yes, I always know," and, as to-day, there was that in William's voice that haunted and held Whimple, as it has done many since. But that comes later. William went on still dusting slowly. "Say, Mister Whimple, I mayn't be much, but the rest of the gang was the greatest c'lection er mutts you ever seen.

If your bunch of town mutts can't behave themselves and leave each other alone, I don't know what's to be done about it. We ain't hired to keep the peace." "No, you've been hired to steal all the land you can and make all the trouble you can. We understand that perfectly." Andy shook his head in meek denial, and with a sudden impulse turned toward the cabin.

"Boss, it looks as if they're going to mix it. The tough mutts are ready to grab any excuse and they won't listen to men like Commander Lanigan of the Legion." "If there's a fight pulled off all we can do is to see that we have a good story. What else?" "I think I've located the mayor.

"Oh, nothin'. I was just thinkin' thinking of them mutts doin' me up me, that's done up more scabs than I can remember." Next morning Billy awoke with his blues dissipated. From the kitchen Saxon heard him painfully wrestling strange vocal acrobatics. "I got a new song you never heard," he told her when she came in with a cup of coffee. "I only remember the chorus though.

Into his memory jumped the things the groom had said about a dog being "gated." If that judge thought for one second that any of those mutts could hold a candle to Chum . Again he yearned to enforce with his two willing fists his opinion of the judge. But, as he well knew, to start a fight in this plutocratic assemblage would mean a jail term. And in such case, what would befall the deserted Chum?

We've been a couple of mutts, who've bitten off a bigger bit than they can chew. I'm going to quit fooling right away!" "What do you mean?" "I'll tell you. I'm going to do what we ought to have done a week ago. I'm going right back to London to put the case in the hands of your British police. We fancied ourselves as sleuths. Sleuths! It was a piece of damn-fool foolishness! I'm through!

"Harry Del Mar was right when he said that dog was the limit and sold his troupe. He knew. The dog's a dog Caruso. No howling chorus of mutts such as Kingman used to carry around with him, but a real singer, a soloist. No wonder he wouldn't learn tricks. He had his specially all the time. And just to think of it! I as good as gave him away to that dog-killing Wilton Davis. Only he came back.