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"And the public is finding it out," supplemented Gibbs, his brother-in-law. "Wait till my libel suit comes on," said Pierce grimly. "I don't believe young Mr. Surtaine will have enough money left to indulge in the luxury of muckraking, after that." "Won't the old man back him up?" "Tells me that the boy is playing a lone hand," said Pierce with satisfaction. Herein he spoke the fact.

They're keeping the decent papers on the jump all the time, with their yellowness and scarehead muckraking." "A big sensational story about an epidemic would be great meat for the 'Clarion," said Vane. "What does it care for the best interests of the town?" "As an editor," observed Dr. Surtaine blandly, "my son don't appear to be over-popular with his confrères."

There were many, highly-colored accounts of all-night revelries; expense accounts, of which every second item was champagne and every fifth bromo-selzer, etc., etc. Of course but a limited number of papers with this extraneous sheet were printed and those distributed only at the dinner. One, however, was sent to the Eastern magazine which had dispatched our muckraking hero to the Golden Gate.

We were impatient of soft-headedness in rich people who had nothing to do, and of heavy muddle-headedness in the millions who had too much to do, and of muckraking of every kind which only got in the way of the builders. For the building of a new, clean vigorous world was our religion. And it did not seem cold to us, because our lives were in it and because we were in love.

It offers every man real riches if only he will now and then quit his muckraking or pause from paying his life for a cap and bells. It sweetens honest labor, helps earthly endeavor, strengthens human affection and leads the soul naturally from the beauty of this world to the greater beauty of that which is to come. Whether we look or whether we listen We can hear life murmur or see it glisten.

It was a deep and carefully planned plot, and some of the conspirators were pretty deeply in the mire, I guess. I wish I'd had all the facts about who this red-haired female Machiavelli was what a piece of muckraking it would have made! Oh, here comes the rest of the news story over the wire. By Jove, it is said on good authority that Bruce will be taken in as one of the board of directors.

It was a deep and carefully planned plot, and some of the conspirators were pretty deeply in the mire, I guess. I wish I'd had all the facts about who this red-haired Machiavelli was what a piece of muckraking it would have made! Oh, here comes the rest of the news story over the wire. By Jove, it is said on good authority that Bruce will be taken in as one of the board of directors.

"I wouldn't be working for the Government then, but for Sheba O'Neill." "And for Gordon Elliot. You'd be doing underhand work for him too. Don't forget that. You can't do it. You're not that kind of a man. It isn't in you to go muckraking in the past of the man Sheba is going to marry." Elliot rose and looked across at the blue-ribbed mountains.

Hal turned upon him a silent but benign regard. The recollection of that contained smile lent an acid edge to the magnate's next speech. "You will further promise," continued Pierce, "to quit all your muckraking of the business interests and business men of this town." Still Hal smiled.

Lindsey's attack on vice and financial jobbery was perhaps the most convincing piece of muckraking ever done in this country for the very reason that it sprang from a concern about real human beings instead of abstractions about democracy or righteousness. From the point of view of the political hack, Judge Lindsey made a most distressing use of the red herring.