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"I was only getting my apron." From a reticule on the table she drew forth a small black satin apron on which was embroidered in filoselle a spray of moss-roses. It was extremely elegant much more so than Mrs. Lessways' though not in quite the latest style of fashionable aprons; not being edible, it had probably been long preserved in a wardrobe, on the chance of just such an occasion as this.

It was the fairies, of course! but they had never set a rush-bottomed chair on its legs before, and this action of theirs frightened her. It was rather an empty morning. She sold little, and there was the more time to think. About an hour after noon a voice addressed her, "Have you more moss-roses for me?" Bébée looked up with a smile, and found some. It was her companion of the cathedral.

The house was a very small one, but it stood in a perfect bower of roses: they were climbing all over the house, and blooming in the garden: there were standard roses, yellow, white, and pink, moss-roses, the old-fashioned cabbage-rose, and Scotch roses, little white and red ones. "I never saw anything like it," said Florence, forgetting herself in her astonishment and delight. Mrs.

Mary's fair head emerged from the rustling folds of the brocade, her cheeks crimson as one of the moss-roses, while her mother's face assumed a severe gravity, as she remarked that she believed James had been much pleased with Jane Spencer, and that, for her part, she should be very glad, when he came home, if he could marry such a steady, sensible girl, and settle down to a useful, Christian life.

Though she saw nothing else that was around her, she saw some little knots of moss-roses that a girl was selling on the quay, as she used to sell them in front of the Maison du Roi. She had only two sous left, but she stopped and bought two little rosebuds to take to him. He had used to care for them so much in the summer in Brabant.

Jerome had a large store of details about such persons as Jim Hardy, the coal-carrier, 'as lost his hoss'. and Sally Butts, 'as hed to sell her mangle, though she was as decent a woman as need to be'; to the hearing of which details Janet seriously inclined; and you would hardly desire to see a prettier picture than the kind-faced white-haired old man telling these fragments of his simple experience as he walked, with shoulders slightly bent, among the moss-roses and espalier apple-trees, while Janet in her widow's cap, her dark eyes bright with interest, went listening by his side, and little Lizzie, with her nankeen bonnet hanging down her back, toddled on before them.

And within the gate the old roses were coming on with a rush Provence and climbing China; Moschata alba, pouring over an arch in a cascade of bloom that hid all its green as with shell-pink foam; crimson and striped Damask along the border; with Paul Neyron eclipsing all in size, moss-roses bursting their gummy shells, Gloire de Dijon climbing and asserting itself above the falsely named "pink Gloire"; Reine Marie Henriette which, grown by everybody, is perhaps the worst rose in the world.

I wished I had not listened; all my determinations were completely routed and as I opened the door I felt my heart beating almost audibly against my side. In a subdued half-light tempered through the rose-coloured curtains, with a small sevres cup of newly-plucked moss-roses upon the table sat, or rather leaned, Emily Bingham, her face buried in her hands as I entered.

They arrived in limousines with dove-colored upholstery and crystal vases of maidenhair fern and moss-roses; and often, in such a car, Linda went to the theatre with Judith or Pansy and some cousins. Usually it was a matinee, where their seats were the best procurable, directly at the stage; and they sat in a sleek expensive row eating black chocolates from painted boxes ruffled in rose silk.

"You never said you was coming isn't the' a lot of things? that lion's killed three men I've spent my tuppence an' look here." He pulled from his pocket two egg-cups, with pink moss-roses on them. "I got these from that stall where y'ave ter get them marbles in them holes. An' I got these two in two goes-'aepenny a go-they've got moss-roses on, look here. I wanted these."