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I began to recover a little. "Did you tell her that?" I demanded of Schofield. "If you did, you misinterpreted me." In my house, he ignored the fact that I was in the room. He replied to Maschka. "I understood Mr. Harrison to say definitely, and in those words, that if I didn't like the way in which he was writing Michael's 'Life, I might write and publish one myself," he said.

"It means, 'Do not speak Arabic in the house of a Moor, but I don't know what the application is where we are concerned, unless you are suggesting I have misinterpreted your perfect English, or else you are subtly criticising my imperfect Spanish. You are too deep for me, Don Carlos, and I will leave Myra to try and fathom you. Beware of him, Myra!" she added smilingly, as she moved away.

That passage that is interpreted against the most plain and frequent expressions of the Scriptures is certainly misinterpreted. I will carry out these principles to the best of my ability. I notice that Christ never tells people that they cannot repent and do God's will without divine help. He did not think it necessary to supply people with excuses for their neglect of duty.

The sound in the lock, heard by three persons, would be, and probably was, another noise misinterpreted. And, in any case, there is no evidence for its having produced two hallucinations; the evidence is in exactly the opposite direction. Here, then, Herr Parish, with the printed story under his eyes, once more illustrates want of attention. In one way his errors improve his case.

What would you have done if the waves had cast you back into the sea? Ay, sure enough, you would have sunk to the bottom like a couple of axes. And that would have been the end of you both!" As the old man finished speaking, he looked at me with an ironical smile on his lips. "Well, why don't you speak, lad?" he inquired. I was vexed by his reflections, which I misinterpreted as sneering at us.

'I'm sure we meant no harm, if we did say it in a joke, pouted one of the attendants. 'Like me! you must come and see us. I have something to say to you .... You must! Philammon misinterpreted the intense interest of her tone, and if he did not shrink back, gave some involuntary gesture of reluctance. Pelagia laughed aloud. 'Don't be vain enough to suspect, foolish boy, but come!

He had been nearly twenty-four hours without sleep, and after a night of such excitement it was unpleasant as well as perilous to have to hold this money, which did not belong to him, for six hours longer, liable at any minute to get into difficulty through any scheme of the gamblers and their allies, by which his recovery of the money might be misinterpreted.

Just so long as the Sonnets are considered as a species of enigma they will be misunderstood and misinterpreted. It was not Shakespeare's habit to talk in riddles or to propound psychological problems: of all poets except Chaucer he is the most simple, direct and straightforward.

Christ's charge to John to 'tarry' did not only, as his brethren misinterpreted it, mean that his life was to be continued, but it prescribed the manner of his life. It was to be patient contemplation, a 'dwelling in the house of the Lord, a keeping of his heart still, like some little tarn up amongst the silent hills, for heaven with all its blue to mirror itself in.

The statement that the "two halves are reunited" is almost invariably misinterpreted to imply an annihilation, or absorption of individuality, into some sort of vaporous, formless, sexless Thing; but why this should be so misconstrued is a puzzle, any more than that bringing together the two halves of an orange which had been divided, would result in the destruction of that edible; or any more than bringing together a glove fitting the right hand and its mate fitting the left hand, would destroy the shape and usefulness of this article.