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The juice of strawberries or raspberries make fine fruit creams; mille fruit cream is made by mixing with the cream any kind of small preserved fruit.

We camped by a large side canyon on the left named Mille Crag Bend, with a great number of jagged pinnacles gathered in a group at the top of the walls, which had dropped down to a height of about 1300 feet. We felt just a little proud of our achievement, and believed we had established a record for Cataract Canyon, having run all rapids in four days' travelling, and come through in safety.

"No, I promised my belle-soeur to fetch her from it," said Levin. A silence followed. The mother once more exchanged glances with a daughter. "Well, now I think the time has come," thought Levin, and he got up. The ladies shook hands with him, and begged him to say mille choses to his wife for them.

"We can't get even halfway!" "Heaven and Earth!" "Mille noms d'un boulet!" cried Ardan, wildly gesticulating. "And we shall fall back to the Earth!" "Oh!" "Ah!" They could say no more. This fearful revelation took them like a stroke of apoplexy. How could they imagine that the Observatory men had committed such a blunder? Barbican would not believe it possible.

* "Au Mexique, 1862: Combats et Retraite des Six Mille, par le Prince Georges Bibesco. Prince Bibesco was intrusted with drawing up the monthly official reports sent by the Corps Expeditionnaire to the War Office in 1862, and is therefore a trustworthy guide for that period.

"Good Heaven!" thought Oldbuck, "how is this man altered from the formal stolidity of his usual manner! he grows wanton under adversity Sed pereunti mille figurae." He then proceeded aloud "Sir Arthur, we must necessarily speak a little on business." "To be sure," said Sir Arthur; "but it was so good that I should not know the horse I have ridden these five years ha! ha! ha!"

She wouldn't dare lie to me, and she says she has seen no such man as Groener." "Then he's in one of the upper apartments now?" "He must be." Coquenil turned back and forth, snapping his fingers softly. "I'm nervous, Papa Tignol," he said; "I ought not to have let him go in here, I ought to have nailed him when I had him. He's too dangerous a man to take chances with and mille tonneres, the roof!"

She beamed gratefully upon him. "Need any money, Bill, old timer?" she flashed at him suddenly, with delightful camaraderie. "There should be no secrets between partners. I do." "Quanto?" "Cinquenta mille pesos oro, señorita." "Help!" "Fifty thousand bucks, iron men, simoleons, smackers, dollars " She reached down and removed a fountain pen from his upper vest pocket.

"You shall see," said I, as I stooped over towards the banker, and whispered, "how far is the betting permitted?" "Fifteen thousand francs," said the croupier, with a look of surprise. "Then be it," said I; "quinze mille francs, rouge."

Why don't you speak?" impatiently demanded the duke. "Mille pardons. Monseigneur; but madame has gone," sadly replied Leblanc. "What do you say?" exclaimed the duke, discrediting the evidence of his own ears. "Mille pardons, Monsieur le Duc, Madame la Duchesse has gone." "Gone! the duchess gone!" exclaimed the duke, in amazement, not unmixed with incredulity. "Oui; Monseigneur."