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Je demandai s'il ténoit bien le pays et s'il savoit se faire obéir. On me dit qu'il étoit obéi et respecté comme Amurat lui-même, qu'il avoit pour appointemens cinquante mille ducats par an, et que, quand le Turc entroit en guerre, il lui menoit

"You shall see," said I, as I stooped over towards the banker, and whispered, "how far is the betting permitted?" "Fifteen thousand francs," said the croupier, with a look of surprise. "Then be it," said I; "quinze mille francs, rouge."

The tables were filled with Bohemia. The room was full of the fragrance of flowers both mille and cauli. Questions and corks popped; laughter and silver rang; champagne flashed in the pail, wit flashed in the pan. Vandyke ruffled his long, black locks, disarranged his careless tie and leaned over to Madder.

Ere long a smoking, hot breakfast was in readiness for them, prepared by the mistress of the house, herself a comely Irishwoman, with a set of teeth that you'd almost let bite you, they were so white and sunny, and a handsome, fair face, with a cead mille failte in every line and dimple of it.

Of all these Palais Royal cafés of the early nineteenth century the most gorgeous and brilliant was the Café des Mille Colonnes, though its popularity was seemingly due to the charms of the maitresse de la maison, a Madame Romain, whose husband was a dried-up, dwarfed little man of no account whatever.

"Gredin! cent mille tonnerres de Dieu!" "Calme-toi, mon fidele ami. What will you? It was fate. Montholon. "Le lache! Un Francais meurt, mais il ne recule jamais." Napoleon. "Stupide! Don't you see why the retreat was ordered? don't you know that it was a feint on the part of Gahagan to draw Holkar from his impregnable entrenchments?

"Pardon, mille pardons," said he humbly; "but you will, I am sure, forgive me when I tell you that I was stupid enough to mistake you for the fugitive Englishman, whom the gens-d'armes are in pursuit of. How good, eh?" "Oh! devilish good but what do you mean?" "Why, the fellow that caused the attack at Frascati, and all that, and " "Yes well, eh? Did you think I was him?"

Meanwhile, find another master I discharge you. /Mille tonnerres!/ why does that weasel-faced snail not bring me the brandy! By your leave," and he appropriated to himself the brimming glass of his next neighbour.

"The next day I went back, M'sieu," he said, seating himself again opposite Philip. "Bram and his wolves were gone. He had slept in a shelter of spruce boughs. And and par les mille cornes du diable if he had even brushed the snow out! His great moccasin tracks were all about among the tracks of the wolves, and they were big as the spoor of a monster bear.

I accepted the old soldier's offered pinch of snuff; clapped him on the back, and swore he was the honestest fellow in the world the most glorious relic of the Grand Army that I had ever met with. "Go on!" cried my military friend, snapping his fingers in ecstasy "Go on, and win! Break the bank Mille tonnerres! my gallant English comrade, break the bank!"