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It sounded as if Miss Mehitable did not know there was an invalid in the house, and found distinct pleasure in making unnecessary noise. The quick, regular strokes of the scrubbing brush swished through the hall. Resentment inspired the ministering influence to speed.

The scrutiny made Miss Mehitable uncomfortable, and at length she descended from the ladder, still singing, ostensibly to refill her pail. "Let me hide " warbled Miss Hitty, tremulously, attempting to leave the room. Doctor Ralph effectually barred the way. "I should think you'd want to hide," he said, scornfully. "If I hear of anything; like this again, I'll send in that bill I told you of.

Araminta was going away to be married. In spite of her trouble, Miss Mehitable noted the taint of heredity. "It's in her blood," she murmured, "and maybe Minty ain't so much to blame." In this crisis, however, Miss Mehitable had the valiant support of her conscience. She had never allowed the child to play with boys in fact, she had not had any playmates at all.

On a certain afternoon Scattergood was seen to accost Selina Pettybone, who paused, and drew nearer, showing signs of regret and interest. "Seliny," said Scattergood, "you're one of them Daughters of Dorcas, or half sisters of Mehitable, or somethin' religious and charitable, hain't you?" "Yes," said Selina, with a smile.

A sunbeam danced on the stair, where, according to Doctor Dexter's recollection, no sunbeam had ever dared to dance before. Ah, it, was good to have the boy at home! "Miss Mehitable," observed Doctor Dexter, after a pause, "is like the poor always with us. I seldom get to a patient who is really in danger before she does.

Then she saw a bit of folded paper which had been slipped under the door, and, mechanically, she picked it up. "Here's your supper," the note read, briefly. "When you get done, leave the tray outside. I'll come and get it. I would like to have you come over if you want to. Mehitable Smith." Touched by the unexpected kindness, Miss Evelina took in the tray.

Aunt Mehitable Tarbox was walking up to Milliken's Mills, with her little black reticule hanging over her arm, and noticing that there was no smoke coming out of the chimney, and that the hens were gathered about the kitchen door clamoring for their breakfast, she thought it best to stop and knock. No response followed the repeated blows from her hard knuckles. She then tapped smartly on Mrs.

With all her money it's queer she never married again." "Oh, she's just wrapped up in her flowers and chickens," remarked Miss Mehitable. "Well," returned Charlotte, "seems to me if I had a big house and grounds like that, I'd want somebody around besides servants." Miss Mehitable lifted her eyes from her meat and potato and gazed at her companion. "Queer you should say that," she returned.

Having thus seen, as it were, the sanction of the Church placed upon Araminta's startling announcement, Miss Mehitable could say no more. During breakfast she did not speak at all, even to Thorpe. Araminta chattered gleefully of everything under the blue heaven, and even the minister noted the liquid melody of her voice. Afterward, she went out, as naturally as a flower turns toward the sun.

"Yes," admitted Araminta, cheerfully, "I did all those things, and I put my hair up loosely instead of tightly, as you've always taught me. You forgot that." "No, I didn't," denied Miss Mehitable, vigorously; "I was coming to that. Didn't you go up to Miss Evelina's without asking me if you could, and didn't you go bareheaded, as I've never allowed you to do?" "Yes," laughed Araminta, "I did."