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That's you that's smart at your figguring and ciphering, spake out now that's four thousand maise isn't it?" No houlding you at all when it's money that's in. Four thousand maise ready and waiting for the steamers to England but did we land it? No, nor half of it neither.

Pete brought to, leapt ashore, and went up to where John, at the end of the jetty, surrounded by a crowd of buyers in little spring-carts, was taking bids for the fish. "One moment, Capt'n," he cried, across his outstretched arm, at the end whereof was a herring with gills still opening and closing. "Ten maise of this sort for the last lot, well fed, alive and kicking how much for them?

Nor did the children wonder, nor take any credit to themselves when the son-in-law of Jeoffrey Maise worked side by side with the nephew of Jim Grey, to set the tree in place. Yet when it came to filling the candy sacks and decorating the tree these tasks were assigned as separate duties to the ladies of the two clans.

Winter's little joke in arriving ahead of scheduled time met with their approval, even though their elders may have had reason to complain. Periwinkle and Pearl were also there, taking their first skating lesson. The teacher, watching at the window, was glad to see that Emil Maise and Washington Grey were helping Peri, while the girls of both "clans" were trying to keep Pearl on her feet.

"We've been to church with Mr. Robert Grey." "To church with Mr. Grey!" gasped Miss Maise, sinking into the nearest chair and staring at the two young culprits as if she thought that the heat had affected their minds. "To church with Robert Grey!" "Yes, Aunty Hetty. Mr. Robert Grey with the brown eyes. I should think if anybody was named Grey their eyes ought to be grey, " "Periwinkle Toddles!

"Will you bring us again?" asked Pearl, with a wistful look on her anxious face. "I like music even better than riding around the ring." "Your aunt, Miss Maise will bring you next Sunday," was the only promise that Mr. Grey could hold out for them. "We wish you could go with us too. Thank you for taking us," they called as they left him.

He proved to be the French barque, Feu Sacré, from Port au Prince to Falmouth. When asked why he did not heave to at the first shot, he replied that he was a Frenchman, and was not at war with anybody! * At midnight made the light on Cape Maise. Thursday, December 4th.

At this heartless reply a smile of ill-disguised contempt might have been detected on the face of at least one of the men present. But as he was only a "poor relation" dependent for his very means of livelihood upon the generosity of Jeoffrey and Eldon Maise he wisely remained silent. "Won't Robert interfere?" urged one of the women. "He'll surely help his sister."

A sudden something gushed up in the heart of Miss Maise, the something that makes the Fat Woman and the clown and all of us kin, but it died down as quickly, and she only said: "I shall expect you to be good children and obey me, that is all." "Not love you?" asked her young nephew in surprise.

Both parties still could not forget the past even around the children's Christmas tree. The minister's son was everywhere and so too was Alois Maise who was just home for the holidays. While the church was thus the scene of festive preparation, Pearl was busily engaged in rehearsing her song with Mr. Grey. "Splendid!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.