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"You what?" roared the Captain. "You turned something as powerful as that over to an alien race maybe some day as an enemy race?" "Yes, I did," said Jarvis. "Look here," he argued defensively. "This lousy, dried-up pill of a desert called Mars'll never support much human population. The Sahara desert is just as good a field for imperialism, and a lot closer to home.

"And they said that bird's head was busted wide open and his brains scattered all over France. Now there he is, big as life. I'll bet ten bucks to a lousy centime he lives to fall off a merry-go-round and break his neck. For the luva Pete!"

"Blazes! ye're lousy wid money," commented Sweeny. "Ye want somebody to scratch yees." "Twenty thousan' dollars in bank," added Glover. "All by blowin' 'n' tradin'. Goin' hum in the next steamer. Anythin' I can do for ye, old messmate? Say how much." "It's the liftinant is takin' care av me. He's made a betther livin' nor yees, a thousand times over, by jist marryin' the right leddy.

"Was dead asleep in the bunkhouse same as me. What 'ud you have? They ain't sheep dogs." Dug took no umbrage. "And they're out on the trail right now?" "Sure. Same as we should be, 'stead o' wastin' hot air around here. Say, I guess you're feelin' sore. But I don't guess your feelin's is a circumstance to mine, boss. You ain't bin beat to your face by this lousy gang. I have.

Vicar must say Amen to the bargain, there is an old lousy Frier, belonging to this Villa, that will give us a cast of his Office; for I am a little impatient about this business, Greatness having infus'd a certain itch in my Blood, which I felt not whilst a common Man. Fran. Um, why, what have we here, pert Mrs. Jacinta and the Bassa?

I have a hundred men down there and this time they won't give you the soft end of the club." "We want them sulphurously described scabs," yelled a voice. "We ain't goin' to kill them, Chief. They're lousy. We want to give 'em a bath." And a savage yell of laughter greeted the remark. On every hand the word was taken up: "A bath! A bath! The river! The river!"

"Don't go with him, sir," interrupted a Dutch-built English tar; "he's got nothing but a lousy lugger that will be all to-morrow in getting over, if it ever gets at all; and the Royal George, superb steamer, sails with a King's Messenger and dispatches for all the foreign courts at half-past ten, and must be across by twelve, whether it can or not."

"To-morrow, at this time, thank Heaven," said a boy near me, as he tossed his blanket and overcoat back to some one inside, "we'll be in God's country, and then I wouldn't touch them d -d lousy old rags with a ten-foot pole."

I wouldn't say a word if they farmed the land, but such a lazy, lousy outfit!" "There are more than you feel that way, Amos," replied Levine. "But it would take an Act of Congress to do anything." "Well, why not an Act of Congress, then? What's that bunch we sent down to Washington doing?" "Poor brutes of Indians," said John Levine, refilling his pipe.

The increasing bustle in the crowds below them told him that time must be getting short. A tall, impressive-looking Lhari strode through the crowd, followed at a respectful distance by two Mentorians, tall, redheaded humans wearing metallic cloaks like those of the Lhari. Tommy nudged Bart, his face bitter. "Look at those lousy Mentorians! How can they do it?