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He had a kind of strong desire to pick things up and put them away somewhere. Of course he couldn't; but he did pick up one thing, a cigarette case. He showed it to me. It was one of those long-shaped, flat white metal cases which fellows carry because they hold about thirty cigarettes. Simcox says he doesn't know why he picked it up. He didn't want it in the least.

The runner was barely twenty yards away by now and I heard her gasp as she stopped abruptly. "Miss Rendall?" I said. The next moment she had rushed up to me, her eyes sparkling, her voice coming in pants. "Mr. Merton!" she panted and then her eyes fell on the others. "They've come then I'm so glad! forgive me for wiring but look!" She handed me something small and long-shaped.

Take twenty potatoes, turn them with a knife into olive shape, boil them in salted water for five minutes; drain them and put them on a baking-tin with salt and butter or dripping. Cook them in a very hot oven for thirty minutes, moving them about from time to time. Sprinkle on a little chopped parsley before serving. Take some long-shaped potatoes, peel them and smooth them with the knife.

Thus we see upon the seashore, that stones like to one another are found in the same place, in one place the long-shaped, in another the round are seen. So in sieves, things of the same form meet together, but those that are different are divided; as pulse and beans falling from the same sieve are separated one from another.

The two saluted in silence and fell in behind. They each carried, he noticed, something long-shaped wrapped up loosely in sacking. "What have they got there?" he asked. "Prosaic instruments," smiled Carrington. "I won't tell you more for fear the gamble doesn't come off." "Like the sensation before one proposes, I suppose," said Ned. "Well, going by that, the omens ought to be all right."

To answer this you must look at the second thing I asked you to bring a piece of orange. If you take the skin off a piece of orange, you will see inside a number of long-shaped transparent bags, full of juice. These we call cells, and the flesh of all plants and animals is made up of cells like these, only of various shapes.

You have emerged from the country of ravines into the broad valley of the Bialka, and the bright sun shines full into your eyes. If the earth is a table on which Providence has spread a banquet for creation, then the valley of the Bialka is a gigantic, long-shaped dish with upturned rim.

In the stagnant waters of our grassy ditches, the flat shells, the humble Planorbes, sometimes no bigger than a duckweed, vie with the Ammonite and the Nautilus in matters of higher geometry. At least one of them, Planorbis vortex, for example, is a marvel of logarithmic whorls. In the long-shaped shells, the structure becomes more complex, though remaining subject to the same fundamental laws.

He remarked upon the fineness of the day, and took up his position at a short distance from the stile, where the turf had been cleared away in a long-shaped patch. Here, with great deliberation he began his task. The sound of his steady strokes fell on the stillness. Presently, the clock from the grey tower gave forth its announcement eleven.

At first glance the dog might easily be mistaken for a Belgian Butterfly dog, for its ears are somewhat large and upstanding, with a good amount of feather about them; but upon closer acquaintance the Collie shape and nature become more pronounced. The body is long and set low, on stout, short legs, which end in long-shaped, feathered feet.