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You can tell Inspector Snell so for me." The policeman silently drew from his pocket an envelope, which he handed to her. "Before you talk any louder suppose you give this the once over," he said. Lilas glanced at the proffered package with a sneer. "Bah! Don't you think I know a warrant?" Then, as she opened the envelope and scanned its contents, she started.

Max pursed his lips thoughtfully. "N-no; you and Lilas are broke. I've got the money and the police. I'll take half." Jim's acquiescence to these terms came hard, and he cursed himself as a fool for putting himself at the mercy of this man.

"Lorelei was in the dining- room at the time it happened, and Hammon swore he did it himself. He stood on that to the last." "I didn't know they grew men the size of that fellow," Max mused. "After all, it's the suckers that die game. And you were going to put this over single-handed, eh? you and Lilas, perhaps! My boy, you must learn to shoot before you go hunting.

Not yet, at least. I can't see HIM go to jail." "Jail? There won't be any jail to this there never is. Jarvis will have to settle for the sake of the rest of us." Hammon's limousine rolled in under the porte-cochere, and a moment later the owner appeared with Lilas. Lorelei stared at her friend in genuine surprise, for it was obvious that Lilas was deeply agitated.

The reclining position gave her some relief, but that odd, nightmarish over-stimulation continued; in fact, it increased until it became almost unbearable. She closed her eyes only to behold a whirling confusion of shapes and visions. Gradually her mind became peopled by distorted fancies. The moments crept on and the phantasmagoria continued... Lilas realized at last that she was ill.

Why, Maxey has been after me a dozen times about you, but I knew you wouldn't stand for it." "Blackmail, eh?" Jim was highly disgusted. "What's the difference how you pronounce it? It spells k-a-l-e, and it takes a good-looking girl to pull off a deal in this town. When Lilas lands Hammon she'll be through with the show business for good. The Kaiser suite on the Imperator for hers."

"I've brought your music too!" said Francie, triumphantly opening a folio, "so you've no excuse for saying you can't remember anything. Who'll play your accompaniment? Here, Ingred!" "Oh! somebody else would do it far better," protested Ingred. "Janie " "I'm no reader." "Lilas?" "Couldn't to save my life!" "Go ahead, Ingred, and don't waste time!" said Lispeth firmly.

During her last talk with Bob Wharton Lilas had felt unbounded confidence in her ability to go through with her plans, come what might, but now the mere knowledge that those plans were known changed everything. In common with all evil-doers, Lilas entertained an exaggerated distrust of the law and a keen fear of its trickeries.

We were poor, dreadfully poor, like all the Jews Oh yes; didn't you know I'm a Jew?" "Then 'Lilas Lynn' ?" "Stage name. It's really Lily Levinski. We were Polish. I was dragged up, along with the other workmen's children, in the soot and grime of the Pennsylvania mills. We never saw anything green; nothing grew in our town.

"Oh, wouldn't I? If he didn't care enough for me to protect me from scandal I'd want to know it." "Lilas, you puzzle me," confessed Lorelei, doubtfully. "You say things that make me think you don't care for him at all; then again you seem to be crazy about him. How DO you feel? How far would you go with him?" Lilas laughed airily. "Perhaps I'd go farther WITH him than FOR him.