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Podmore thinks them to have been unduly suggestible and offers hallucinations as an alternative hypothesis. Stainton Moses was respected in his private life, a teacher, a clergyman and a private tutor. His specialties were the introduction of a great variety of articles apports as they are called at his sittings, levitation, table-tipping and automatic writing and the direct voice.

The tattered cloak of the beggar will bear him up like the rayed plumes of the angels. But the kings in their heavy gold and the proud in their robes of purple will all of their nature sink downwards, for pride cannot rise to levity or levitation. Pride is the downward drag of all things into an easy solemnity.

He was a monk, floating before an altar. A companion, near at hand, was portrayed as gazing in rapturous wonder at this feat of levitation. I stepped within and demanded the volume to which this was the frontispiece. The salesman, a hungry-looking old fellow with incredibly dirty hands and face, began to explain. "The Flying Monk, sir, Joseph of Copertino. A mighty saint and conjuror!

But such things as 'clairvoyance, 'levitation, 'veridical apparitions, 'movements of objects without physical contact, 'rappings, 'hauntings, persist as matters of belief, in full modern civilisation, and are attested by many otherwise sane, credible, and even scientifically trained modern witnesses.

Progress? Regress! While history as a whole, from the Cro-Magnon man to the twentieth century, does certainly suggest a great ascent, it has not been an automatic levitation. It has been a fight, tragic and ceaseless, against destructive forces. This world needs something more than a soft gospel of inevitable progress.

When levitation lets go, gravity doubles its grip. The Yogi of the East know vastly more about this theme than we do, and have made of deep breathing an art. Carry the crown of your head high, hold your chin in, and fill the top of your lungs by cultivating levitation. We are gods in the biscuit!

Once you have been successful in accomplishing this test, use the visual-imagery technique to see yourself successfully responding to the foot test. When you have actually accomplished test No. 4, you see yourself accomplishing the "hand levitation" test No. 5. In other words, you use each step to enhance a greater receptivity for the following progressive test.

But I myself, who have seen Mr. Home float around Mr. S. C. Hall's drawing-room, and handled him above and below in transitu, quite fail to discern any reproduction of that phenomenon in the heavy, lumbering levitation of the lady by means of the scissors-like apparatus behind her, which we are only privileged to behold from the stalls.

Here is a case of levitation of double levitation, and we leave it to be explained by the followers of Abaris and of Mr. Home. The Court of Assizes at Paris has lately been occupied with the case of a Chinese gentleman, whose personal charms and literary powers make him worthy to be the compatriot of Ah-Sin, that astute Celestial.

"It's the usual allowance, I believe. If there were four, now " "Oh, I dare say there will be. They seem to collect round you like wasps round honey. It's some natural law, I presume, gravitation or levitation, which is it?" "I'm sure I don't know, and don't try to tease me, Poppy. People out here are so kind that it's enough to spoil anybody." "Kind, forsooth!