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It is certainly a very interesting study." "Didn't appear to me much l'k a temple," ventured Glover. "Sh'd say t'was a kind 'f gineral smokin' room 'n' jawin' place. Git together there 'n' talk crops 'n' 'lections 'n' the like." "You must be mistaken," decided Aunt Maria. "There was the sacred fire."

"Things you soak in coal-oil," began one. "To make torches at 'lections," added another. "Same as cat-tails," volunteered a third condescendingly. "Well, even if they were anything like that, he couldn't live in them, could he?" Desire felt that she had made a point at last. "Could if he was a frog," offered the male member after consideration.

"Well," said the man, as Ralph concluded his statement, "you seem to be an honest and a plucky lad, though an almighty green one, I guess. Never been anywhere, you say?" "I've hunted for miles in the mountains, and I've been to a store or two, and to meeting, and to the 'lections. Yes, and I've been to school three months a year ever since I was so high," Ralph indicated the height with his hand.

Mine own conscience pricks me at times over this bolstering up of a Papist to rule over a Protestant nation. Let like rule like, say I. At the 'lections I rode to Sudbury, and I put in my vote for Maister Evans, of Turnford, who was in favour o' the Exclusionists. Sure enough, if that same Bill had been carried, the Duke would be sitting on his father's throne. The law would have said yes.

Let the man alone stop yer pullin I'll bust yer ear for yer yet. My Cot, my Cot, what tam dimes dese 'lections is. Well yez crowd a poor Jarman till death, yer d d spalpanes, yez? Sen Coff Senterberry and Coffinter Working Men's Repub Dem-whoop-h- l-whooray-bully-y-e-o-u-c-h!!

Why, now, it was but a week since, while 'lections was a goin' on, I got a letter from some d d chaps to Newburg `Rouse about now, old Guts, you'll need it this election?" "Ha! ha! ha!" shouted Harry and I almost simultaneously, delighted at Tom's evident annoyance. "Who wrote it, Tom?" "That's what I'd jist give fifty dollars to know now," replied mine host, clinching his mighty paw.

The young Russian, it is to be said, retired to his cell immediately upon the conclusion of the Festival of Flowers the evening before. Awaking early, he made personal preparation for the day, and with the Brotherhood in the chapel, performed the matinal breviary services, consisting of lauds, psalms, lections and prayers. Then he took seat by his superior's door.

The Bull of the Saint's canonization, and the Lections of the Breviary, say that she left her father's house, ut in Africam trajiceret.

"The custom of giving a blessing before the lections was already in existence in the fourth century. In the palace of Aix-la-Chapeile, it was by knocking, and not by the words Tu autem, that the Emperor Charlemagne gave the signal for the conclusion of the lections, while the lector recited himself, Tu autem, Domine miserere nobis.

"'For myse'f, says Old Man Enright, when the topic is circ'latin', with the whiskey followin' suit, an' each gent is airin' his idees an' paintin' his nose accordin' to his taste, 'for myse'f, I can see it comin'. Thar's to be law yere an' 'lections; an' while at first it's mighty likely both is goin' to turn out disturbin' elements, still I looks on their approach without fear.