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Gyp took all these caresses in a very nonchalant manner, only snorting and pawing in reply. Presently the boy came back, bringing the gig. Cap once more hugged Gyp about the neck, pressed her cheek against his mane, and with a whispered "Good-by, dear Gyp," sprang into the gig and ordered the boy to drive home. "An' leab the pony, miss?"

He lubs de wicked ones de best, 'ca'se dey need his lub de most. Yas, my brudders, eben de wickedest, ef dey's only sorry, and turn roun' and leab off dar bad ways, he lub de bery best ob all, 'ca'se he'm all lub and pity.

I fine strong nigger and work well, so he gib de gal four yards ob bright cotton for wedding dress, and a bottle ob rum to me, and we married. "Two or tree years pass, and my wife hab two piccanninies. Den de massa go home to Spain, and leab overseer in plantation. Berry bad man dat. Before, if nigger work well he not beaten. Now he beaten wheder he work or not.

The two girls ran down to the kitchen, and informed Maria of their immediate desire to learn to make cake. "Bress gracious, chillun," said the surprised old coloured woman, "I'll make all de cakes you all can eat. Don't you bodder 'bout makin' cakes yo'self. Jes' leab dat to ole Maria." "But you don't understand, Cookie," said Dotty.

He leab his gun behind now and trabel for Richmond, where he hear dat de white prisoners was kept. He walk all night and at day sleep in de woods or de plantations, and eat ears ob corn. At last he git to Richmond. Den he gib out dat him massa wanted him to fight on de side ob de English and dat he run away. He go to de prison and offer to work dere.

"I guess not," observed the other, calmly; "you see I'm prepared to snap off a flashlight picture at any old time. Here's after you, Frank." Uncle Toby had witnessed this threatened exodus with signs of alarm. "Whar ye gwine, Marse Frank? Ain't 'spectin' to leab dis chile erlone hyah be yuh?

The Simoon sailed steadily upward till the day wore by, by which time she was a good many miles above the metropolis. It was no more than fairly dark when Sam managed to whisper in the ear of the boy, "You mus' leab de boat to-night!"

"An outlandish niggur'!" muttered old Emperor, on whom this expression of the guide had produced no very favourable effect; "guess the gemman white man is a niggur himself, and a rogue, and a potater, or whatsomever you call 'em! Leab a lady and a gemman lost in the woods, and neither take 'em on nor take 'em back! lor-a-massy!"

Gyp took all these caresses in a very nonchalant manner, only snorting and pawing in reply. Presently the boy came back, bringing the gig. Cap once more hugged Gyp about the neck, pressed her cheek against his mane, and with a whispered "Good-by, dear Gyp," sprang into the gig and ordered the boy to drive home. "An' leab the pony, miss?"

You can eat um or leab um alone, Miss Caterpillar!" said little Pitapat, firmly. Capitola laughed, "Patty" she said, "you are worthy to be called my waiting maid!" "And Lors knows, Miss Caterpillar, if it was de wittels you was a-frettin' arter, you ought to a-told me before! Lors knows dere's wittels enough!"