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So eager was my interest, indeed, that before I was aware I found myself asking him to tea with me in my shack. But he declined, saying: "I'd like to, awfully; but do you know, I think Latour expects me." This consideration of Latour's feelings almost upset me. "You come with me," he added, and I went. Latour welcomed us with his grim old face wreathed in unusual smiles.

Seth, a hunter and trapper by nature, the son and grandson of men who for their own safety had to be trained in the subtle methods of the Indian, who himself had had no small experience in this respect, and easily followed a trail which was no trail to ordinary eyes, found little difficulty in watching Latour's movements.

In my service money is no object. Now as to this boat, who is the agent from whom I can buy her?" "Latour and Company," replied the old fellow, for the first time in his life in the powerful grip of wealth and not knowing exactly whether the great golden hand was holding him heels or head up. "How far is Latour's from here?" "Not far."

It was the best supper I ever got ready for him." "Latour's is over that way," said Toussaint, pointing some distance further to the south-east. "But see! there is fire there, too! God have mercy!" He was silent, in mournful fear that he knew now too well the reason why Jean had not come, and the nature of the conversation Jean had desired to have with him.

Maitland, for the most part, kept his own counsel and gave us little information other than a hint that he still thought there was a chance of clearing M. Latour. With this end in view he had become an associate attorney with Jenkins in order the better to conduct M. Latour's case along the lines which seemed to him the most promising.

This man, Maitland, was in the next room to Latour's, overheard our conversation, and even phonographed our words and photographed our positions. It has always been a matter of pride with me to gracefully acknowledge that three aces are not so good as a full house, therefore I confess myself beaten, though not subdued.

The force assembled at Latour's already amounted to four thousand; and no assistance could be looked for from the towns at all adequate to meet such numbers, since the persons and property of the whites, hourly accumulating in the towns as the insurrection spread, required more than all the means of protection that the colony afforded.

The result was that Latour's power was appreciated on all sides, yet only imperfectly understood, and in the Convention he passed for something of an enigma, yet a man who was far safer as a friend than as an enemy. These confederates of his had one thing in common, however; all of them were beholden to Raymond Latour.

Uplifted somewhat by Latour's confidence in him, his swaggering gait was perhaps a little more pronounced, but he was untouched by apprehension, not so much because he was a fearless man like all swaggerers adverse circumstances would probably find him at heart a coward but because he had implicit faith in Raymond Latour.

Citizen Latour would have been here with mademoiselle to meet you, but the mob in the neighborhood will keep them away to-night. You must wait here, monsieur, it may be for some days." "Mademoiselle is safe?" "Quite safe in the care of Deputy Latour. I had the honor of helping him to bring her out of the Abbaye prison." "And what are Citizen Latour's plans for getting her out of Paris?"