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Certificates, and even degrees, are asked for on every hand. With nothing but references to past employers, what can one expect? I know it will end in my taking a place without salary. 'People seem to have still less need of me, lamented the companion. 'I wish now that I had gone to Norwich as lady-help. 'Dear, your health would never have supported it. 'I don't know.

Principal duties large flower-garden, small conservatory, draw bath-chair, must wait at table, understand lamps, non-smoker, wear dress suit except in garden. Clothes and beer not found. Family, lady and child, lady-help. House-parlourmaid kept. Must not object to small bedroom. Joint wages £50, all found."

A big washhand basin of very brown fruit-salad, buns cut into four and a washhand jug full of something the lady-help called "Limonadear." And you went away in the evening with half the frill torn off your frock or something spilled all down the front of your open-work pinafore, leaving the Samuel Josephs leaping like savages on their lawn. No! They were too awful.

Mountsaffron of Charles Street, to whom she was lady-help and from whom an excellent reference may be obtained." "Too old," said George. Miss Ram frowned; returned to the ledger. "Miss Ellen Hay; aged 20; daughter of Lieutenant Hay, late R.N. For two years with Mrs. Hoyle- Hoyle of Knightsbridge." George squeaked, "Too young." He had not anticipated this ordeal. Miss Ram read on.

Bunty modestly protested, but Diana had her own way in the matter, and when finally the little lady-help went downstairs to pour out tea in the dining-room for the rest of the boarders, it was with that pleasantly warm glow about the region of the heart which the experience of an unexpected kindness is prone to produce.

"How wise you have been to keep away from town these years! One gets so sick of the perpetual round." "I should have thought it truly delightful," said Mrs. Purling, who, of course, took the unknown for the magnificent. "Any honest labour would be preferable." "Turn lady-help; that's my mother's common advice." "Harold, how dare you suggest such a thing to Miss Fanshawe?

Again it was a man who dealt the deeper blow a gentlemanly-looking person of whom in Wilton Road one evening she asked the way to an address copied from the Daily Telegraph. Why, by an extraordinary coincidence he was going that way himself, to that very house! flat, rather. Yes, it was his mother who was advertising for a lady-help. Might he show her the way? ... It would be very kind of him.

Bunty, indeed, retained few illusions concerning her employer, and perhaps this was just as well for the fewer the illusions by which you're handicapped, the fewer your disappointments before the journey's end. "You haven't told me your name," said Diana, when the lady-help reappeared with a small tea-tray in her hand. "Bunting," came the smiling reply. "But most of the boarders call me Bunty."

Everything began with a piercing blast of the lady-help's whistle and ended with another. There were even prizes large, rather dirty paper parcels which the lady-help with a sour little smile drew out of a bulging string kit. The Samuel Josephs fought fearfully for the prizes and cheated and pinched one another's arms they were all expert pinchers.

As to turning governess, or companion, or lady-help, there was an incongruity in the idea that made it too ludicrous to contemplate even for an instant. There is no other way that a handsome and penniless woman can deliver her friends of the burden of her existence than by marriage. Marriage decidedly was what Vera had to look to.