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The result of their researches was the famous work called "Description de l'Egypte," published under the direction of the French Academy in twenty-four volumes of text, and twelve volumes of plates.

We pursued our way, and presently found ourselves at the back of the Café de l'Egypte. "There's the door," I said. It opened into a tiny cul de sac, flanked by dilapidated hoardings, and no other door of any kind was visible in the vicinity. Nayland Smith stood tugging at the lobe of his ear almost savagely. "Where the devil do they go?" he whispered.

"Although we knew of this Café de l'Egypte, we have never had the slightest trouble there. It's a Bohemian resort, where members of the French Colony, some of the Chelsea art people, professional models, and others of that sort, foregather at night. I've been there myself as a matter of fact, and I've seen people well known in the artistic world come in.

A good analysis of Arab affairs on the eve of the Great War is that of the Moslem publicist "X," "Les Courants politiques dans le Monde arabe," Revue du Monde musulman, December, 1913. The Asiatic Review, April, 1914. "L'Égypte et les Débuts du Protectorat," Revue des Sciences Politiques, 15 June, 1915. Mohammed Farid Bey, "L'Égypte et la Guerre," Revue Politique Internationale, May, 1915.

The Egyptian Law of Antiquities. La Nouvelle Loi sur les Antiquites de l'Egypte et ses annexes. Service des Antiquites. Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientala. 1913. All antiquities belong to the State. The State has the right of expropriating ground containing antiquities.

[Footnote 2: This statement will be found in QUATREMERE'S Mémoires sur l'Egypte, tom. i. p. 17, on the authority of Abdullah ben Ahmed ben Solaim Assouany, in his History of Nubia, "Simon, héritier présomptif du royanme d'Alouah, m'a assuré que l'on trouve, dans la vase qui couvre fond de cette rivière, un grand poisson sans écailles, qui ne ressemble en rien aux poissons du Nil, et que, pour l'avoir, il faut creuser

History of Art in Ancient Egypt, vol. i. pp. 56, 57, and figs. 39-45. RAWLINSON, The Five Great Monarchies, &c. vol. i. p. 139. TIELE, Histoire comparée des anciennes Religions de l'Égypte et des Peuples Sémitiques, translated by Collins, p. 222. The first volume of an English translation, by James Ballingal, has been published in Trübner's Oriental Series. Ibid. p. 224.

A very commonplace Swiss waiter took our orders for coffee, and we began discreetly to survey our surroundings. The only touch of Oriental color thus far perceptible in the café de l'Egypte was provided by a red-capped Egyptian behind a narrow counter, who presided over the coffee pots.

"No, sir, hashish." "Good God! Go on." "There's a place in Soho, just off Frith Street, where hashish is supplied, and I go there sometimes. Mr. Samarkan used to come, and bring people with him from the New Louvre Hotel, I believe. That's where I met him." "The exact address?" demanded Smith. "Café de l'Egypte.

Paris, 1802. 2 vols. folio. Description de l'Egypte, ou Recueil des Observations, &c. faites pendant l'Expédition de l'Armie Française, en 3 livraisons. Paris, 1809, &c.

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