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For elegance of printing, DIDOT is the BENSLEY of Paris; but to see a grand establishment in this line, you must go to the Rue de la Vrilliere, near the Place des Victoires, and visit the Under the title of Imprimerie Royale, this establishment vas formerly placed in the galleries of the Louvre.

Sooner or later it will be necessary, no doubt, to establish a Royal Paper Manufactory; like the Gobelins, the Sevres porcelain works, the Savonnerie, and the Imprimerie royale, which so far have escaped the destruction threatened by bourgeois vandalism. David Sechard, beloved by his wife, father of two boys and a girl, has the good taste to make no allusion to his past efforts.

It contains some very good paintings, and the kneeling figure of the saint of the church in his monastic dress; the hands and head are of white marble, and it is supposed to be Egyptian; one of St. Denis is opposite to it. Adjoining to the Imprimerie Royale, is the Hôtel des Archives du Royaume, which is entered by the Rue du Chaume, No. 12.

Several smaller copies were published, but the plate long kept in the Imprimerie Nationale was sold by weight as old brass. La Hire, a celebrated mathematician and designer, drew up a map of the moon four and a half yards high, which was never engraved.

Almost facing one part of the Imprimerie Royale, in the Rue d'Orléans, is the Church of St. François d'Assise. Neither the exterior nor the interior possess any striking beauty; it was founded and erected in 1623.

The Egyptian Law of Antiquities. La Nouvelle Loi sur les Antiquites de l'Egypte et ses annexes. Service des Antiquites. Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientala. 1913. All antiquities belong to the State. The State has the right of expropriating ground containing antiquities.

Copies of this map are still to be found, but Cassini's original copper-plate, preserved for a long time at the Imprimerie Royale in Paris, was at last sold to a brazier, by no less a personage than the Director of the establishment himself, who, according to Arago, wanted to get rid of what he considered useless lumber! This map could be seen long afterwards in the library of St.

The Turkish Law of Antiquities. Extrait du Levant Herald du 8, 9, 11 et 13 Juin 1906. Constantinople, Imprimerie du Levant Herald, Pera, 1906. Antiquities are controlled by the Director-General of the Imperial Museums and a Commission, the Directors of Public Instruction in the provinces acting as agents.

At the corner of the Rue Vieille du Temple, and that of the Rue de Quatre Fils, is the Palais Cardinal, now the Imprimerie Royale; it was erected in 1712, and is named after its owner, the Cardinal de Rohan, whose intriguing spirit so much involved Marie Antoinette; in this hôtel the scenes occurred concerning that extraordinary affair; the front of the building is quite plain, towards the garden it is ornamented by columns, and as a mansion, is one of the largest in Paris.