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When Malherbe was dead and Balzac had retired to his country house on the borders of the Charente, some friends, "men of letters and of merits very much above the average," says Pellisson in his Histoire de l'Academie Francaise, "finding that nothing was more inconvenient in this great city than to go often and often to call upon one another without finding anybody at home, resolved to meet one day in the week at the house of one of them.

According to Becquerel's measurements, the quantity falling on bare and on wooded soil respectively was as 1 to 0.07; 1 to 0.5; and 1 to 0.6, or, in other words, he found that only from five-tenths to sixty-seven hundredths of the precipitation reached the ground. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1866.

The design of redeeming his brother and nephew, who were hostages, is the most likely cause that can be assigned; and is accordingly mentioned by Eadmer, Hoveden, Brompton, and Simeon of Durham. For a farther account of this piece of tapestry, see Histoire de l'Academie de Littérature, tom. ix. p. 535.

A more particular account, with a good print of the Hedyfarum gyrans is given by M. Brouffonet in a paper on vegetable motions in the Histoire de l'Academie des Sciences. Ann. 1784, p. 609. There are many other instances of spontaneous movements of the parts of vegetables.

Mais ce president sans facon Ne perore ici qu'en chanson: Toujours trop tot sa harangue est finie. Non, non, ce n'est point comme a l'Academia; Ce n'est point comme a l'Academie. Admis enfin, aurai-jo alors, Pour tout esprit, l'esprit de corps? Il rend le bon sens, quoi qu'on dise, Solidaire de la sottise; Mais, dans votes societe, L'esprit de corps, c'est la gaite.

Il est moins reserve qu'autrefois et me laisse voir davantage le cours de ses pensees qui vont souvent a ses filles et a sa femme. Je l'emmene aujourd'hui a l'Academie. Il y a une chose qui doit te rassurer quant a l'etat de ma sante, c'est que je n'ai jamais ces sensations au cerveau dont j'ai souffert. Le cerveau n'est pas fatigue et en me reposant a temps, je repare rapidement mes forces.

A partial list of these is as follows: C. R. Beazley, Prince Henry the Navigator ; G. Wauverman, Henri le Navigateur et L'Academie Portugaise de Sagres ; J. P. O. Martins, Os Filhos de Dom Joao I. ; M. Barradas, O Infante Dom Henrique ; A. Alves, Dom Henrique o Infante ; J. E. Wappaus, Untersuchungen uber... Heinrich . Two valuable essays, Prince Henry the Navigator and The Demarcation Line of Pope Alexander III., by E. G. Bourne, are republished in his Essays in Historical Criticism .

De meme nous voyons a l'Academie Grecque le vicomte invite, Corai repousse, lorsque Jormard y entre comme dans un moulin. Thus speaks Paul-Louis Courier in his own brief inimitable prose. Je croyais voir le president Fairs bailler en repondant Que l'on vient de perdre un grand homme; Que moi je le vaux, Dieu sait comme.

Beside the works mentioned in the above text, Gustave Droz wrote: 'Le Cahier bleu de Mademoiselle Cibot , 'Auteur d'une Source , 'Un Paquet de Lettres' , 'Babolain' , 'Les Etangs' , 'Tristesses et Sourires , and L'Enfant . He died in Paris, October 22, 1895. CAMILLE DOUCET de l'Academie Francaise. The devil take me if I can remember her name, notwithstanding I dearly loved her, the charming girl!

COMPTE D'HAUSSONVILLE de L'Academie Francaise. "Excuse me, Monsieur, but pray tell me what vessel that is over there."