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My man sends in an order from J. C. K., Burlington, and he says: 'This man has a nice stock of goods and his neighbors say he is worth $5,000, and is good for anything he buys. Dun does not quote him at all, so I asked for special report, and here it is: J. C. K., Burlington, has been in business here since 1880; came from Kokomo, where he failed and paid 40 cents on the dollar; is married, age about 42, habits good.

Gang o' hoss thieves first settled Howard County." "Recollect that big two fister from Kokomo who said he'd knock your head off if you ever throwed that up to him again?" grinned Shorty. "You invited him to try it on, an' he said your stripes stopped him. You pulled off your blouse, and you said you had no stripes on your shirt sleeves. But I wouldn't say it again until those Co.

"It was a day or two after I had learned it, that we met Willow-in-the-Wind feeding her turkey flock by the Rito as we came from hunting, and she scolded Tse-tse for making fun of Kokomo. "'It is plain, she said, 'that you are trying to get yourself elected to the Delight-Makers.

"I think it would be a wise plan to make the next town before that storm breaks loose," she observed, thoughtfully. "You know the storm curtains don't fasten tightly on the one side, and if we're caught we're going to be drenched." The next town was Kokomo, about ten miles away, where we were to stop at the telegraph office and see if there was a message from Gladys.

But the day after Willow-in-the-Wind told Tse-tse that Kokomo meant to have him elected to the Koshare if only to keep him from making a mock of Kokomo, we went up over the south wall hunting. "It was all flat country from there to the roots of the mountains; great pines stood wide apart, with here and there a dwarf cedar steeping in the strong sun.

Later, when even Tse-tse's father agreed that I was too old for the kiva, Tse-tse taught me to curl my tail under my legs and slink on my belly when I saw Kokomo. Then he would scold me for being afraid of the kind man, and the other boys would giggle, for they knew very well that Tse-tse had to beat me over the head with a firebrand to teach me that trick.

Let up after reception etc. I suppose. I feel like calling up Istra, after all, but mustn't. I ought to hit the hay, but I couldn't sleep. Poor Tad Warren. Ericson's usual scrawl. September 11: Off to Kokomo, to fly for Farmers' Alliance. Dandy party given for me after it, by Thomas J. Watersell, the steel man. Have read of such parties.

"That's it. I was so busy thinking of you after I left your cute little country that I couldn't remember the name. I thought of 'calico' and 'Fedora' and 'Kokomo' and a lot of names that sounded like it, but I knew I was wrong. Kalora Kalora I'll remember that. I knew it began with a 'K. But what in the name of all that is pure and sanctified are you doing in the land of the free?"

O'Connor sought in his conception and interpretation of Hamlet to give it a free and jaunty Kokomo flavor a nameless twang of tansy and dried apples, which Shakespeare himself failed to sock into his great drama. James did this, and more.

'Without doubt, he said, 'this is Kokomo's; he would be very pleased if you returned it to him. I understood it as an order. "I carried the little Delight-Maker to Kokomo that night in the inner court, when the evening meal was over and the old men smoked while the younger sat on the housetops and moaned together melodiously. Tse-tse looked up from a game of cherry stones.